Liberal Narrative Collapse

In 2008 we were all Keynesians. No we’re all libertarians, scientists and ‘brogrammers’. Everyone is getting richer and smarter than ever as wealth and intelligence becomes more important in today’s competitive economy. Some of the most up-voted posts on Imgur, a site that is the ‘zeitgeist’ of millenial thought, are photos of peaceful demonstrations in… Continue reading Liberal Narrative Collapse

Micro Economics 101

W’re still in perhaps the slowest new cycle ever. What is the future of the news media in a world where everything is deterministic and better than expected? Take the 2016 election, for example. We know it’ going to be a toss-up of Walker or Jeb vs. Clinton. The post-2008 economic expansion and epic bull… Continue reading Micro Economics 101

Peter Singer Conservatives

Peter Singer, Austrailian moral philosopher, recently did a Reddit AmA. The most pertinent quote about Peter Singer’s views, from Wikipedia: Ethical conduct is justifiable by reasons that go beyond prudence to “something bigger than the individual,” addressing a larger audience. Singer thinks this going-beyond identifies moral reasons as “somehow universal”, specifically in the injunction to… Continue reading Peter Singer Conservatives

Winner-Take-All Nation

From Techcrunch We Are All Venture Capitalists Now I feel like this chart is the only one that matters — Felix Salmon (@felixsalmon) April 11, 2015 In Extremistan, we are all tournament players, investing our limited time and money in unpredictable ventures that may succeed or fail, quickly or slowly. Wins are fewer, but… Continue reading Winner-Take-All Nation

Grey’s Razor

Hanlon’s razor states: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. Today’s huge rally in tech stocks inspired my own version, Grey’s Razor: Never attribute to luck that which is adequately explained by intelligence. Yesterday, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft posted blowout earnings, with the Nasdaq surging 40 points in what is an… Continue reading Grey’s Razor

Embracing Modernity

It obvious Donavan is a luddite, of the same branch as primitivist anarchists John Zerzan and Kaczynski. He blames all of society’s ills on technology, as well as anticipating Americas decline, which is a liberal thing to do. Being ‘right-wing’ on some issues doesn’t change the fact he is ideologically aligned with the anti-technology left.… Continue reading Embracing Modernity

Taking Neo Reaction (NRx) To The Next Level

One, Neo Reaction (NRx) needs to be more pragmatic and instructive to make the leap from from philosophical movement to a political one, which means having to delineate political policy on the major issues. That means have a platform of ‘action items’, like political parties typically do. Such items could be to lower income taxes,… Continue reading Taking Neo Reaction (NRx) To The Next Level

Ravi Batra’s Social Cycle

Perhaps America is a uniquely intellectual place. People complain about the dumbing down of America, but other countries are much worse. America’s competitive capitalist and winner-take-all culture rewards high-IQ and punishes mediocrity. Of course, all countries have dull people, and America is no exception, but America – by virtue of its free markets, stable currency,… Continue reading Ravi Batra’s Social Cycle