Abortion and Crime – When Political Correctness and Partisan Politics Gets in the Way of Promising Research and Policy

There’s an article from National Review going viral, reviving an almost two-decade old debate about the prophylactic effects of abortion on crime, originally brought to the public’s attention in the 2005 bestseller Freakonomics. Mona Charen writes: Some would have grown up to be Ben Carsons, Charlize Therons, Walt Disneys, Oprah Winfreys, and Sonia Sotomayors. Most… Continue reading Abortion and Crime – When Political Correctness and Partisan Politics Gets in the Way of Promising Research and Policy

Common Core Fallacy

The Man Behind Common Core Math The way you improve test scores and increase America’s economic competitiveness is to understand that higher IQ students will learn faster and more efficiently than lower IQ ones, and then by grouping the students accordingly. Instead of wasting billions trying to get everyone up to speed, let’s devote more… Continue reading Common Core Fallacy

Paul Graham on Immigration, Part 2

Paul Graham’s pro-tech immigration argument, as unpopular as it may be in certain liberal and non-neoconservative circles, is the most logically consistent with a meritocracy under a free market, where people should be promoted based on talent instead of national origin, and it’s inevitable the cap will be raised under a Republican president. A lot… Continue reading Paul Graham on Immigration, Part 2

Strong Economy Bodes Well For Neoconservative Resurgence

From politico: The strengthening economy — and an improving government fiscal picture — has already transformed the political conversation in Washington. The kind of federal debt and deficit scolding that helped drive the tea party movement to power is now significantly less potent. While the longer-term deficit picture remains bleak with the expected glut of… Continue reading Strong Economy Bodes Well For Neoconservative Resurgence

2014 – An Awful Year For The SJWs

2014 has been a terrible year for the social justice warriors, and it just keeps getting worse. Let’s take a look at recent SJW defeats: UVA Rape Scandal (Rolling Stone story quickly debunked, SJW coalition takes irreparable credibility hit.) Gamergate (Overall internet consensus favors the gamers) Shirtgate (Like gamergate, internet commentators overwhelmingly sided with science… Continue reading 2014 – An Awful Year For The SJWs

The System Worked: How the World Stopped Another Great Depression

Found this gem on Amazon that somehow eluded my attention until today, The System Worked: How the World Stopped Another Great Depression In The System Worked, Drezner, a renowned political scientist and international relations expert, contends that despite the massive scale and reverberations of this latest crisis (larger, arguably, than those that precipitated the Great… Continue reading The System Worked: How the World Stopped Another Great Depression

Why There is No College Bubble

Finally someone tells these college bubble heads to put up or shut up: I’d like to take this opportunity to triple-dog-dare Peter Thiel For years, the left has insisted that college, like the stock market and housing, is a giant bubble that is on the verge of popping. Like many predictions of doom and collapse,… Continue reading Why There is No College Bubble