From Establishment Populism Rising The lion’s share of the income of the top 1 percent is concentrated in the top 0.1 percent and 0.01 percent. The average income of the top 1 percent in 2013, according to data provided by Emmanuel Saez, a Berkeley economist, was $1.2 million, for the top 0.1 percent, $5.3 million,… Continue reading Et tu, Summers?
Optimal Allocation of Resources
From Return of Kings: Evidence For Blue Pill Brain Damage Puts Modern Democracy Into Question Anyone who dares question its legitimacy is usually cast out as a fascist or a moron Actually I think it’s the opposite, or at least the tide is turning in that more and more people, especially on sites that cater… Continue reading Optimal Allocation of Resources
Bridging The Red Pill and Beta Male Conservatism
The ‘red pill’ people and the Beta Male Conservatives, a subset of MGTOW, have a lot in common: a tendency to defer to empirical logic instead of emotion, a respect for STEM, and being anti-SJW. The beta male is introverted and enjoys solitary activities such as reading and surfing the web, for example. Red pill… Continue reading Bridging The Red Pill and Beta Male Conservatism
How Liberalism Distorts Perception of IQ
From Fred Reed The 145 Solution I agree we should restrict voting to high-IQ individuals and or a net worth above a certain threshold, but the odds of such a plan being implemented are close to zero. The comments are interesting since they are an example of how successful the left, in their war on… Continue reading How Liberalism Distorts Perception of IQ
2015: Another Great Year for the Nerds
The original article on the Beta Male Conservative failed to meet my standards, so I rewrote parts of it. The growing anti-science movement is making people in Silicon Valley nervous Has he been to Reddit or 4chan lately? Millions of users, and all of them are infatuated with science & scientists, STEM, nerd culture, libertarian… Continue reading 2015: Another Great Year for the Nerds
The Liberal War on Science
Why are the liberals anti-science about the heredibility and biology of IQ, and how IQ scores affect socioeconomic outcomes? The left’s approach to poverty, academic underachievement and crime isn’t based on science and empiricism, but wishful thinking in the hope that by throwing enough tax payer dollars at the problem with wasteful social programs, the… Continue reading The Liberal War on Science
Disingenuous Paul Krugman Wrong About Stimulus, Economy
The Krugster writes: This is still true in much of economics, I believe. But in the areas that matter most given the state of the world, it’s not true at all. People who declared back in 2009 that Keynesianism was nonsense and that monetary expansion would inevitably cause runaway inflation are still saying exactly the… Continue reading Disingenuous Paul Krugman Wrong About Stimulus, Economy
Stock Strategies & ‘Fundamental Drift’
There are dozens or even hundreds of variables the affect stock prices, but it can be reduced to just two: fundamentals and noise. For brevity, we’ll assume fundamentals are measured by inflation adjusted earnings and is a long-term driver of stock and index prices, a process that I call ‘fundamental drift’. The second noise; this… Continue reading Stock Strategies & ‘Fundamental Drift’
People Beat the Market Because of IQ, Not Conspiracies
Liberals like Nicholas Nassim Taleb, Robert Shiller, and Michael Lewis insist the market is rigged, a scam and a bubble, and therefore anyone who achieves long-term, risk-adjusted superior returns is either lucky, ignoring hidden risks, running a Madoff-like fraud, cheating (HFT, dark pools), or in cahoots with ‘evil’ bankers. In the same way the left… Continue reading People Beat the Market Because of IQ, Not Conspiracies
When Will The Tech Valuations Crash? How About Never
The left has been predicting doom and gloom since 2009, to no avail. In 2010, during the first wave of the European debt problem, the left predicted that Greece would pull the rest of the world into a recession; with the market indexes at record highs, that prediction was obviously wrong. Economically, with an economy… Continue reading When Will The Tech Valuations Crash? How About Never