How High-IQ People Make Money In The Stock Market

Interesting article, obviously written by someone of above average IQ who has had success day-trading. The market is 99% efficient, but that 1% allows smart people to make money consistently even as the left insists the market is rigged, a zero-sum game, or a bubble. The ‘blank-slate’ left believes that people can only succeed with… Continue reading How High-IQ People Make Money In The Stock Market

Why Moldbug Called It Quits

I suppose the movement Moldbug helped create consumed his life, interfering with his other work, and now he has been blacklisted from a conference, as Slate reports. So I guess that at least partially answers the mystery as to why he inexplicably stopped blogging a little over a year ago. I wrote earlier in my… Continue reading Why Moldbug Called It Quits

Is Greece the first libertarian state?

EU-Greece Talks on Bailout Break Down, Setting Up Showdown When debating libertarianism, critics and skeptics sometimes ask: Why isn’t there a libertarian state? Greece could be the closest thing to a libertarian state. You look at how the leadership as well as the citizens, emboldened by recent events, have defiantly given Germany (and the rest… Continue reading Is Greece the first libertarian state?

The Great Debate: Automation, Jobs, Wealth Inequality, Basic Income, Post Scarcity

Billionaire Cartier Boss Warns of Imminent Uprising, ‘Envy, Hatred’ of Poor People There is also an accompanying video: The 65-year-old Rupert, who has an estimated net worth of about $7.5 billion, seemed deeply perturbed about the impending disappearance of the middle class due to robotics and artificial intelligence, which he said would “put hundreds of… Continue reading The Great Debate: Automation, Jobs, Wealth Inequality, Basic Income, Post Scarcity

The Daily View: Wealth Inequality and Bond Market Liquidity

Today’s idiot: ‘The problem isn’t that we’ve been slaves to free markets’: Joseph Stiglitz interview Unlike Thomas Piketty, whose recent bestseller Capital in the 21st Century argues that capitalism makes rising inequality inevitable, Stiglitz insists the system can be fixed. ‘Widening and deepening inequality isn’t driven by immutable economic laws,’ he says. ‘A well-functioning market… Continue reading The Daily View: Wealth Inequality and Bond Market Liquidity