Market Outlook: Will Rising Interest Rates Hurt Stocks?

The question on everyone’s mind is: Will the fed raising rates cause the market to fall? Absolutely not, because such rate hikes would be priced-in long in advance. The fed is very good at telegraphing its intentions to the market. The market tends to react badly only when rate hikes are unexpected and or larger… Continue reading Market Outlook: Will Rising Interest Rates Hurt Stocks?

The Bush Economic Boom

200,000 jobs created. ‘Murica Fuck Yeah! Rand Paul attacks Fed for weakening dollar… …Dollar at 11-year high — Alice Ross (@aliceemross) February 7, 2015 The libs want to believe the fed is causing hyperinflation; the exact opposite has happened as the US dollar remains the world’s number one reserve currency. The left wants… Continue reading The Bush Economic Boom

The left’s long string of disappointments in the post-2008 era

Ross Douthat sums it up perfectly: The first source, probably, is disappointment with other forms of left-wing politics. A decade ago, the left’s energy was focused on Iraq; in President Obama’s first term, it was divided between his quest for a new New Deal and Occupy Wall Street’s free-form radicalism. But now the antiwar movement… Continue reading The left’s long string of disappointments in the post-2008 era

MGTOW vs. The Red Pill/PUA

Like the split in the republican party between the pragmatic right and the Christian right, there is a schism in the ‘manosphere’ between the MGTOW and The Red Pill/PUA. MGTOW Tend to be younger Aren’t really interested in hooking up No ‘game’ Want to be single Libertarian-leaning Indoor activities such as video games and surfing… Continue reading MGTOW vs. The Red Pill/PUA

Irreconcilable Differences (Pragmatic Right vs. Paleo Right)

Pragmatic Right Strongly individualistic Some central planning (e.g.,eugenics, basic income) More high-tech immigration Supply-side economics Proactive interventionism Optimistic about science and technology Agnostic Supports civil unions or indifferent on the issue of gay marriage Belief in biological determinism Related ideologies: neoliberalism, objectivism, minarchism, utilitarianism, neoconservatism, transhumanism, third way, classical liberalism Paleo Right Pro-Family, Pro-Community Minimal… Continue reading Irreconcilable Differences (Pragmatic Right vs. Paleo Right)

Our High-IQ Aristocracy

From Scott’s blog TALENTS PART 2: ATTITUDE VS. ALTITUDE Likewise, if we can just apply the same common reasoning we use for normal everyday activities like basketball to the question of intelligence, we might find it’s not so complicated and scary after all. Here’s why the basketball example doesn’t give peace of mind to those… Continue reading Our High-IQ Aristocracy

Reddit Stands Up For Men’s Rights

In standing up for men’s rights, Reddit users are eviscerating a PSA that implies men are instinctively abusive towards women. I didn’t just cherry pick comments, the overwhelming majority express sentiments similar to the aforementioned examples. This backlash, along with the backlash against ‘check your privilege, is further evidence the SJWs are losing and why… Continue reading Reddit Stands Up For Men’s Rights

So, What Are You?

I’m like a partial libertarian. I’m libertarian on market issues, neocon on fed and fiscal policy, and right of center on social and foreign policy issues. I also consider myself to be a utilitarian pragmatist, meaning I believe in policy that maximizes the creation of wealth, which is why I’m both a supporter fed (and… Continue reading So, What Are You?