Maybe the form of altruism with the highest ROI isn’t one that is politically correct. The problem is when one side takes cheap shots the other, such as by invoking Godwin’s Law, as an easy substitute for having to actually provide a substantive counterargument. If my version of EA (effective altruism) is a high-IQ basic… Continue reading Effective Altruism Need Not Be Politically Correct
Category: Uncategorized
The Trump Surge & Skepticism
Even though I have been critical of Donald Trump in some of my posts, if he wins I won’t be disappointed. Pundits like Erick Erickson, who has received blowback for not being in the Donald camp, also won’t be disappointed and would much prefer a Trump victory over a Hillary or Sanders one, as would… Continue reading The Trump Surge & Skepticism
Is Your Job Next?
The economic rules have changed since 2008, the old plan of gainful employment and fulfillment has been replaced by a new plan of ennui, anomie, anxiety and emptiness – a deterministic world where everything is pre-planned and predictable up until the moment it happens, where we’re all preordained to mediocrity. The question is what happens… Continue reading Is Your Job Next?
Affordable Housing, Healthcare, & Tuition: Putting Things in Perspective
Vox Day writes: The SJWs and cuckservatives celebrate diversity, but what they are also celebrating is poverty. America’s living standards have fallen considerably since 1973, but no one realizes it yet because the combination of technological advancement and debt-spending conceals that fact. But it gradually becomes obvious, as Americans become increasingly unable to afford houses… Continue reading Affordable Housing, Healthcare, & Tuition: Putting Things in Perspective
Why Millennials Are Still Living With Their Parents
From the American Interest: Why Millennials Are Still Living with Their Parents Pew’s analysis of U.S. Census Bureau data finds that in spite of an improved labor market, “the nation’s 18- to 34-year-olds are less likely to be living independently of their families and establishing their own households today than they were in the depths… Continue reading Why Millennials Are Still Living With Their Parents
IQ: Education, Socioeconomic Outcomes, and Entitlement Spending
From the esteemed Dr. James Thompson: Psychological predictions from long ago: Terman 1930 Two predictions stood out, the first: That educational and vocational guidance will be based chiefly on test ratings, and that Hull’s proposal to measure every important ability and personality trait and to “grind out” a hundred or more occupational success predictions for… Continue reading IQ: Education, Socioeconomic Outcomes, and Entitlement Spending
Revising the NRx Map
I’m sure everyone who is familiar with NRx had seen the NRx map, which groups some of the major ‘alt right’ blogs into various categories: The map was created in 2013 and needs to be updated to include new websites, but I also think the nine categories can be reduced to just two: the ethno-nationalists/traditionalists… Continue reading Revising the NRx Map
Why Police Fire At Targets Multiple Times
Michael Brown, Ferguson County, and ‘Black Lives Matter’ are in the news again, and there are a couple misconceptions about police conduct and police weapons that need to be dispelled – that a lethal shot is instantly lethal (like in the movies) and that stun guns and tasers should be as effective as guns at… Continue reading Why Police Fire At Targets Multiple Times
‘Black Lives Matter’ – Dividing the Nation
The site is under a heavy hacking attack, so if you see posts about spam ignore them. Too bad ‘black lives matter’ is about dividing the nation, not helping mend the wounds There is some speculation that George Soros, who is pro-Hillary, is behind this, either by splitting the Democratic vote or… Continue reading ‘Black Lives Matter’ – Dividing the Nation
Why the Web 2.0/Tech 2.0 ‘Bubble’ Refuses to Burst
In agreement with Marc Andreessen, there probably won’t be a web 2.0 correction for a long time. Right now we have interest rates still at zero, and there is so liquidity in the world right now, so much wealth. Every time web 2.0 is supposed to burst, such as in 2012 following Facebook’s unspectacular IPO,… Continue reading Why the Web 2.0/Tech 2.0 ‘Bubble’ Refuses to Burst