IQ Roundup

This week, some interesting posts about IQ: From Pumpkin Person The SAT is said to correlate about as well with IQ as two different IQ tests correlate with one another. In his book Real Education (pg 69-70), Charles Murray claims that only 17 year olds capable of getting an 1180+ on the post 1995 SAT… Continue reading IQ Roundup

Jim Simons: A rare interview with the mathematician who cracked Wall Street

Pretty impressive. His strategy is to sift through immense quantities of data to find patterns and then exploit these patters until they stop working. However, the Renaissance Medallion fund since 1993 has been closed to to the general public and is only available to employees of Renaissance Technologies. The computer-driven Medallion fund has made an… Continue reading Jim Simons: A rare interview with the mathematician who cracked Wall Street


#Nationaloffendacollegestudentday is going viral on Imgur and Twitter. These tweets are great; here are some: As part of the post-2013 SJW backlash, smart millennials on Reddit, Imgur, 4chan and elsewhere are disabusing the leftist lies told to them by their parents, teachers, and clergy. No, you’re not special. Quantifiable results matter. Some people are better… Continue reading #Nationaloffendacollegestudentday

The Free Trade & Globalization Debate

From Vox Day: The Price of Free Trade In the context of this debate, ‘free trade’ includes exports, offshoring, and insourcing & outcsourcing (of labor), or just simply globalization. The problem with macro economics is with the exception of the fundamentals (like comparative advantage), there is seldom a consensus, unlike subjects such as mathematics and… Continue reading The Free Trade & Globalization Debate

Looking A Gift Horse in the Mouth – the Decline of the SJW Movement

Scott’s latest article, LOOKING A GIFT HORSE IN THE MOUTH, is going massively viral with over 500 comments in just the past 16 or so hours, most in agreement. The fact that even those on the ‘left’ like Scott are voicing dissent about social justice is further evidence we are winning, or at least the… Continue reading Looking A Gift Horse in the Mouth – the Decline of the SJW Movement

The Nordic Fairytale

Why Denmark isn’t the utopian fantasy Bernie Sanders describes It is fantastic in theory, except that, in Denmark, the quality of the free education and health care is substandard: They are way down on the PISA [Programme for International Student Assessment] educational rankings, have the lowest life expectancy in the region, and the highest rates… Continue reading The Nordic Fairytale

Libertarianism and NRx/Dark Enlightenment

From The Right Stuff: Libertarianism and Marxism: The Twin Offspring of Liberalism Hmmm…this may be a false equivalency. Libertarians believe in private property, personal autonomy (non-aggression principle), and the ‘ownership society’; Marxists, Communists, and Anarchists typically don’t. The central underlying assumption of Marxism (and by extension, of all the SJW nonsense that is plaguing us… Continue reading Libertarianism and NRx/Dark Enlightenment

Pro-Technology = Marxist?

From Esoteric Trad: Neoreaction’s elephant in the room Techno-Commercialists make up a portion of NRx and their position is quite popular. Maybe he means it’s popular outside of NRx, but from my observation it’s no longer popular inside of NRx, in which the trichotomy has become a dichotomy of traditionalists and ethno-nationalists, with the techno-commercialists… Continue reading Pro-Technology = Marxist?

The Daily View: Good Tweets, Socialism, The White Male Die-Off

IQ facts: Race and intelligence: get the facts. — Librarian of Hate (@LibrarianofHate) November 4, 2015 High-IQ wins again as Facebook’s valuation crosses $300 billion. But I thought Facebook was supposed to be a bubble and a fad, said the left in 2012. Facebook market cap is just over $300B. — Chris Dixon (@cdixon)… Continue reading The Daily View: Good Tweets, Socialism, The White Male Die-Off