Khizr Khan story: Much Ado About Nothing

The latest manufactured outrage by the left is the Khizr Khan story. The liberal media is trying desperately to create a narrative that: -this story is important -everyone is outraged -that Trump blundered, he’s ‘unstable’ and ‘unfit’ for office The reality: – most people won’t even notice or care. Even though the name ‘Khan’ came… Continue reading Khizr Khan story: Much Ado About Nothing

Donald Trump Wrong About Treasury Bonds

Even though Josh Brown of the Reformed Broker leans ‘left’, I agree stiffing treasury bond holders, hurting America’s credit worthiness and causing a multitude of problems in the process, is a bad idea: The whole world runs on the premise that US debt is risk-free in terms of return of principal, backed up by our… Continue reading Donald Trump Wrong About Treasury Bonds

The Second ‘Great Experiment ‘

The first ‘great experiment’ was secession from Britain. Yeah, some on the on the ‘NRx-sphere’ argue this was ‘bad’, but the data shows that secession succeeded, with the US economy not only surpassing Britain but becoming the biggest in the world, as well as a global military superpower. Fast forward a couple hundred years, the… Continue reading The Second ‘Great Experiment ‘