Tesla’s Big Surprise. Don’t Bet Against High-IQ.

Tesla stock (TSLA) surged today (and in the after hours) on an announcement of a mystery product line, as tweeted by CEO Elon Musk: Major new Tesla product line — not a car — will be unveiled at our Hawthorne Design Studio on Thurs 8pm, April 30 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 30, 2015 Due… Continue reading Tesla’s Big Surprise. Don’t Bet Against High-IQ.

Liberalism is the Problem, Not Technology

A major part where the ideologies of far-left and the traditional right converge is in their mutual skepticism and distrust of technology and free markets, another is foreign policy. Liberals worry that technology will destroy jobs, create wealth inequality, and harm the environment. Conservatives worry that technology will disrupt the family structure and traditions, as… Continue reading Liberalism is the Problem, Not Technology

Peter Schiff and other Doom and Gloomers Losing Credibility

It appears that even posters in the right-leaning neo-reactionary community are starting to call out these doom and gloomers like Peter Schiff, Karl Denninger, and Nicholas Nassim Taleb for crying wolf too many times. In response to a viral video from Santelli on zerohedge about Yellen admitting “Cash Is Not A Store Of Value”, a… Continue reading Peter Schiff and other Doom and Gloomers Losing Credibility

What is a Religion?

From Scott’s Blog: IS EVERYTHING A RELIGION? Awhile ago I realized that I could still be a conservative and not believe in a benevolent God, or a God at all. I saw that this actually strengthened my views. If religion is loosely defined to means a set of beliefs and rituals, then even brushing your… Continue reading What is a Religion?

Professors On Reddit Tire Of Liberalism

In the post 2008 era, intellectualism in and of itself has become a culture, with people in high-IQ endeavors such as professors, STEM workers, stock traders, quants, wonks, tech CEOs, nerds, real estate investors/speculators, mathematicians and theoretical physicists becoming ‘celebrities‘ to large portions of the population. You see evidence of this on Reddit; for example,… Continue reading Professors On Reddit Tire Of Liberalism

There is Absolutely No Bubble In Technology

I remember in 2012, following the botched Facebook IPO and the stock’s subsequent decline, the liberal media was certain that web 2.0 had burst, their elation breaking through their veneer of journalistic impartiality as Facebook stock fell from its IPO price of $38 to as low as $20. At last for the left, after years… Continue reading There is Absolutely No Bubble In Technology

Atheist Conservatism and the Dark Enlightenment

Atheist conservatism/libertarianism is one of the fastest growing movements. Many of today’s smart young people, who grew up on Ayn Rand and Milton Friedman (and maybe hayack and Rothbard, although being anti-fed is anti-wealth in my opinion. Fed policy such as QE and low interest rates, while unpopular with some on the right, does help… Continue reading Atheist Conservatism and the Dark Enlightenment