American Exceptionalism & The State of the Labor Market

As Americans gripe about the weak labor market, ‘America being in decline’, and wealth inequality, foreigners cannot get enough of America: How and why buyers from China are snatching up Bay Area homes — Dali L. Yang (@Dali_Yang) November 30, 2014 Libs awaiting the next financial crisis that will never come: Plight of the… Continue reading American Exceptionalism & The State of the Labor Market

Things That I Am Thankful For

He is right: A world awash in capital with nowhere to put it. The stage being set for the next 30 years of economic development is utterly fascinating. — Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) November 27, 2014 The world is awash with liquidity that is flowing into stocks and keeping keeping treasury yields low. Smart people are… Continue reading Things That I Am Thankful For

The Power of Linear Combination ETF Portfolios

Money lubricant that gets the wheels moving. I wanted to test a new investing strategy and existing strategies of picking stocks had mixed results, with large draw-downs and stagnation between gains. So I ponied up $35 for this cool program etfreplay and began testing strategies, which I call ‘linear combinations’. This is because you are… Continue reading The Power of Linear Combination ETF Portfolios

The Daily View: Biological Determinism Bull Market, GOP, Basic Income, Shirtstorm

The biological determinism bull market can’t be stopped as stocks keep making new highs with no end in sight. Same for those Bay Area real estate prices and web 2.0 valuations – those keep going up with no end in sight, too. Don’t get your hopes up, libs, that this is all a bubble that… Continue reading The Daily View: Biological Determinism Bull Market, GOP, Basic Income, Shirtstorm

Stock Market Going Much Higher

Things like moving averages, technical analysis like head and shoulders, put/call volume, vix, advancing declining, breadth, distribution days (worthless IBD indicators) imho all these don’t work reliably, especially not for indexes. The only indicator that seems to be reliable is the candle size of the monthly chart of the ES/SPY/QQQ relative to earlier candles. A… Continue reading Stock Market Going Much Higher

Doom and Gloom on the Blogs

So much doom and gloom on the blogs lately, but I can understand why as the super-competitive, winner-take-all, post-2008 economy has created a lot of losers and only a handful of winners. You even see this pervasive leftist pessimism on discussions about physics. The left says that because string theory cannot be tested, it is… Continue reading Doom and Gloom on the Blogs

Wealth Spreaders Lose Again As Stocks Keep Going Up, GOP Victories

As the slowest news cycle in history continues, stocks keep raging higher. You can’t stop spendism, can’t stop technological innovation, can’t stop those web 2.0 valuations from going higher, can’t stop exports, can’t stop blowout profits & earnings, can’t stop IQ from being important, can’t stop smartism. Everything is awesome and no one outside of… Continue reading Wealth Spreaders Lose Again As Stocks Keep Going Up, GOP Victories