How a person with an SAT score of a 1000 writes

An SAT score of 1000 on the post-1995 test is unimpressive, corresponding to an IQ of around 100. Most people who score that low (either on an IQ test or on the SAT) keep it private. According to those celebrity SAT lists you see everywhere, even most actors score higher than that, yet the author… Continue reading How a person with an SAT score of a 1000 writes

On Not Letting Cognitive Capital Go To Waste

Using IQ tests to identify gifted students – because poor kids should get a good education, even if they're smart — SteveStewartWilliams (@SteveStuWill) November 29, 2015 America’s cognitive capital may be it’s important resource, and it should not be squandered, which is why we need more funding for gifted education. Or as some call… Continue reading On Not Letting Cognitive Capital Go To Waste

The Hivemind, Immigration, and IQ

From, A Review of Hive Mind: How Your Nation’s IQ Matters So Much More Than Your Own From the reviews on Amazon: The book’s primary and most important contribution is to document the following empirical regularity: Suppose you could a) improve your own IQ by 10 points, or b) improve the IQs of your… Continue reading The Hivemind, Immigration, and IQ

Understanding Comes Before Change

America, it’s economy, and the news cycle is still in auto-pilot mode since early 2014 or so, going nowhere at a 1000 miles an hour. Everyone in the media wants crisis and mayhem, for ratings and clicks and page views, but the few crisis that come (such as the France attack) are short-lived, leaving the… Continue reading Understanding Comes Before Change

Thomas Sowell on The Bell Curve

In his book Black Rednecks and White Liberals, Sowell blames ‘redneck’ culture for black dysfunction, arguing that white culture made blacks dysfunctional: What the [white] rednecks or crackers brought with them across the ocean was a whole constellation of attitudes, values, and behavior patterns that might have made sense in the world in which they… Continue reading Thomas Sowell on The Bell Curve

IQ Roundup

This week, some interesting posts about IQ: From Pumpkin Person The SAT is said to correlate about as well with IQ as two different IQ tests correlate with one another. In his book Real Education (pg 69-70), Charles Murray claims that only 17 year olds capable of getting an 1180+ on the post 1995 SAT… Continue reading IQ Roundup

America the Intellectual Capital of the World, or Why Smart People Deserve More

With the Nobel Prize nominations in the news, the alleged ‘dumbing down’ of America is mostly anecdotal, like an old wives’ tale regurgitated by liberal pundits until many hold it to be truth. For example, America leads the world in Nobel Prize laureates, and this is most evident in the high-IQ science categories: The United… Continue reading America the Intellectual Capital of the World, or Why Smart People Deserve More

2060 IQ Projections

Interesting new study: Future Cognitive Ability: US IQ Prediction until 2060 Based on NAEP From the abstract: …US Census Bureau, cognitive trends until 2060 for the entire age cohort and ethnic groups were estimated. Estimated population averages for 2060 are 103 (optimistic) or 102 (pessimistic). The average rise per decade is dec = 0.76 or… Continue reading 2060 IQ Projections

IQ Tests Are Not Culturally Biased

Although the left believes IQ tests culturally biased, the evidence according to Arthur Jensen in his book Bias in Mental Testing suggests otherwise: …The book presents several arguments that IQ tests are not biased. African Americans’ lower average performance on IQ tests cannot be because of differences in vocabulary, because African Americans have slightly better… Continue reading IQ Tests Are Not Culturally Biased