The Daily View: Making Predictions, Bubbles, and Post Labor Society

An interesting article from Barry about the folly of predicting: As we have detailed far too many times, people are terrible at making predictions. You draw conclusions from a single data point. You don’t know what the economy is going to do, or where interest rates are going… Predicting stuff isn’t that hard. A good… Continue reading The Daily View: Making Predictions, Bubbles, and Post Labor Society

State of the Labor Market

As shown below, while jobs are being created, many of them are in the low paid service sector, but this doesn’t include ‘gigs’ on TaskRabbit or Craigslist, which typically pay even worse. Many people with college degrees hold jobs that a generation ago would have gone to high school dropouts. But those without a degree… Continue reading State of the Labor Market

The Daily View: American Exceptionalism, Housing, Foreign Investors, and Selling at the Top

A Pew study finds that there are fewer Americans who believe America stands apart from all other nations You cannot gauge America’s exceptionalism or lack thereof with a public sentiment poll. The data is more important and suggests that contrary to popular belief, America’s economic and foreign policy hegemony has only been strengthened in recent… Continue reading The Daily View: American Exceptionalism, Housing, Foreign Investors, and Selling at the Top

The Smartest Generation

From Reddit: Older people of Reddit, what do you think is BETTER about today’s youth? Some of the replies that stood out: They are almost utterly immune to political TV and radio. This generation is less apt to accept the wisdom of their elders. In the past, anything published was assumed to have been vetted… Continue reading The Smartest Generation

Stocks Rally to New Highs as Obama Voted ‘Worst President Since WW2’

Stocks rally to new historic highs on the Hobby Lobby victory and a poll that says Obama worst president since WWII. Midterm losses for the dems is bullish for the economy, so stocks are rallying in anticipation of the republicans controlling the senate and picking up more seats in the house. The GOP has always… Continue reading Stocks Rally to New Highs as Obama Voted ‘Worst President Since WW2’

Indtroduction to Forex

Aaron Clarey of Captain Capitalism has some amusing and informative videos. Disagree with the video about trading Forex. It’s not as difficult as he makes it seem: He says Forex is hard to learn, has a lot of risk and that you should spend a couple thousand dollars at a Forex class. He is right… Continue reading Indtroduction to Forex

Linkfest 7/1/2014

Stocks make record highs as the left awaits the crisis that will never come. We’ve been bullish since 2011 and see no reason to adjust our thesis despite these huge gains. Linkfest 7/1/2014 From Real Clear Politics: Two Cheers for Congress “As much as Obama tried to obstruct compromise, thanks to congress rising to the… Continue reading Linkfest 7/1/2014

The Smartist Era of Unlimited Prosperity

We’re in an era of unlimited prosperity and wealth creation for some, but to millions of Americans it still feels like a recession. America’s dominance as a global economic superpower has only been solidified since 2008. The post-America era that the left predicted never came. As more evidence of America’s exceptionalism, as of 2009, U.S.… Continue reading The Smartist Era of Unlimited Prosperity