We’re still in the eye of the slowest news cycle in history. From Rolling Stone to Cosby, there are plenty of stories about rape, but those are more like tabloid stories than news. Most people – including many on Reddit and 4chan – know the accusers are lying, which is why these alleged ‘victims’ (or… Continue reading There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom
Beyond the Blank Slate: How Libs Turn High-IQ Into a Handicap
With the exception of homosexuality, many on the left adopt a ‘blank slate’ approach to human biology in that upon conception, all individuals have the same potential and that socioeconomic outcomes and cognitive ability are influenced heavily by environmental factors. Therefore, it’s the job of a paternalistic society to ‘program’ these ‘blank slates’ in much… Continue reading Beyond the Blank Slate: How Libs Turn High-IQ Into a Handicap
The Left is Losing the Culture Wars
Like gravitons leaking from the brane into the bulk, the liberal media is ensconced in an insular ideological bubble adrift from the plane of reality. To understand how the majority of Americans really feel about the issues, go to Reddit and 4chan and you’ll see perspectives that the liberal media refuses to entertain, and that’s… Continue reading The Left is Losing the Culture Wars
Taxes, Debt, and QE
Megan Ardle writes And as I’ve argued before, deficit-financed government spending is a tax hike. It may not seem like one, but over the long run, that debt has to be paid, one way or another. And the way it will be paid is with tax dollars. Even though I agree with most of what… Continue reading Taxes, Debt, and QE
Most Financial Analysis is Crap
Like the news, most of what is passes for financial advice/analysis is just noise and should be ignored. This is no exception: Comment: The small correction off the overbought high levels was expected and the question is whether it will develop into a short-term correction. The recent massive redemptions in hedge funds are alarming. Recall… Continue reading Most Financial Analysis is Crap
American Exceptionalism & The State of the Labor Market
As Americans gripe about the weak labor market, ‘America being in decline’, and wealth inequality, foreigners cannot get enough of America: How and why buyers from China are snatching up Bay Area homes http://t.co/gZqpLkTpJW — Dali L. Yang (@Dali_Yang) November 30, 2014 Libs awaiting the next financial crisis that will never come: Plight of the… Continue reading American Exceptionalism & The State of the Labor Market
2014 – An Uneventful, But Prosperous Year
2014 will go down as one of the least eventful years in history – both economically and politically. The left was titillated by the prospect of crisis – Ebola, Russia, ISIS and a stock market plunge in October – but all failed to deliver the goods. Zerohedge and Market-Ticker readers are refreshing their websites, awaiting… Continue reading 2014 – An Uneventful, But Prosperous Year
Things That I Am Thankful For
He is right: A world awash in capital with nowhere to put it. The stage being set for the next 30 years of economic development is utterly fascinating. — Marc Andreessen (@pmarca) November 27, 2014 The world is awash with liquidity that is flowing into stocks and keeping keeping treasury yields low. Smart people are… Continue reading Things That I Am Thankful For
The Left Jubilant as Ferguson Burns
With the exception of the predictable Ferguson verdict and the subsequent rioting, we’re still in the slowest news cycle in years. Even though I’m Republican/libertarian, it’s nice to see America not have to reel from one crisis to the next. Unlike the aforementioned article, I thank the Bush administration for the post-2008 period of peace… Continue reading The Left Jubilant as Ferguson Burns
The Power of Linear Combination ETF Portfolios
Money lubricant that gets the wheels moving. I wanted to test a new investing strategy and existing strategies of picking stocks had mixed results, with large draw-downs and stagnation between gains. So I ponied up $35 for this cool program etfreplay and began testing strategies, which I call ‘linear combinations’. This is because you are… Continue reading The Power of Linear Combination ETF Portfolios