Stocks Rocket Higher; Biological Determinism Bull Market Can’t Be Stopped

In the span of just two days, the S&P 500 has gained a staggering 4% – the largest 2-day gain since 2011. Regarding the fundamentals of the US economy, between 2009 and now nothing has changed except higher stock prices and fatter earnings: interest rates still never going up again and consumer spending can’t be… Continue reading Stocks Rocket Higher; Biological Determinism Bull Market Can’t Be Stopped

What the Mohammad Islam Hoax Says About Trading and Liberalism

One of the big stories making the rounds is that ‘trading prodigy’ Mohammad Islam is merely a paper trader and not a multi-millionaire. I concede to falling for the story because the alleged returns as purported by Mohammad, while highly improbable, are not – based on my knowledge of the market and trading – impossible.… Continue reading What the Mohammad Islam Hoax Says About Trading and Liberalism

Universal Healthcare Not So Great

Modern, timely healthcare is expensive. Despite what you may read about the virtues of universal healthcare, there are caveats such as long waiting times and poor quality treatment. Cancer survival rates are lower in countries with universal healthcare than in America. Many times, people in countries with universal healthcare will opt for private treatment if… Continue reading Universal Healthcare Not So Great

Beyond the Blank Slate: How Libs Turn High-IQ Into a Handicap

With the exception of homosexuality, many on the left adopt a ‘blank slate’ approach to human biology in that upon conception, all individuals have the same potential and that socioeconomic outcomes and cognitive ability are influenced heavily by environmental factors. Therefore, it’s the job of a paternalistic society to ‘program’ these ‘blank slates’ in much… Continue reading Beyond the Blank Slate: How Libs Turn High-IQ Into a Handicap

Taxes, Debt, and QE

Megan Ardle writes And as I’ve argued before, deficit-financed government spending is a tax hike. It may not seem like one, but over the long run, that debt has to be paid, one way or another. And the way it will be paid is with tax dollars. Even though I agree with most of what… Continue reading Taxes, Debt, and QE

Most Financial Analysis is Crap

Like the news, most of what is passes for financial advice/analysis is just noise and should be ignored. This is no exception: Comment: The small correction off the overbought high levels was expected and the question is whether it will develop into a short-term correction. The recent massive redemptions in hedge funds are alarming. Recall… Continue reading Most Financial Analysis is Crap