On this 4th of July, lets not forget: As much as the left wants a ‘post-America’ world, the United States of America is well positioned to lead the global economy in the 21st century. A number of forces such as technological progress and consumer spending are supportive of the America’s continued strength. It is time… Continue reading What To Be Thankfull For On This 4th Of July
Category: Uncategorized
Stocks Rally to New Highs as Obama Voted ‘Worst President Since WW2’
Stocks rally to new historic highs on the Hobby Lobby victory and a poll that says Obama worst president since WWII. Midterm losses for the dems is bullish for the economy, so stocks are rallying in anticipation of the republicans controlling the senate and picking up more seats in the house. The GOP has always… Continue reading Stocks Rally to New Highs as Obama Voted ‘Worst President Since WW2’
Indtroduction to Forex
Aaron Clarey of Captain Capitalism has some amusing and informative videos. Disagree with the video about trading Forex. It’s not as difficult as he makes it seem: He says Forex is hard to learn, has a lot of risk and that you should spend a couple thousand dollars at a Forex class. He is right… Continue reading Indtroduction to Forex
Linkfest 7/1/2014
Stocks make record highs as the left awaits the crisis that will never come. We’ve been bullish since 2011 and see no reason to adjust our thesis despite these huge gains. Linkfest 7/1/2014 From Real Clear Politics: Two Cheers for Congress “As much as Obama tried to obstruct compromise, thanks to congress rising to the… Continue reading Linkfest 7/1/2014
The Smartist Era of Unlimited Prosperity
We’re in an era of unlimited prosperity and wealth creation for some, but to millions of Americans it still feels like a recession. America’s dominance as a global economic superpower has only been solidified since 2008. The post-America era that the left predicted never came. As more evidence of America’s exceptionalism, as of 2009, U.S.… Continue reading The Smartist Era of Unlimited Prosperity
The World As It Is: Post-2008 Economic Reality Part 2
Part 1 In the five years that have elapsed since the market bottom of March 2009, never before in the history of human civilization has so much wealth been created in any prior five year interval, including the final five years of the dotcom boom from 1995-2000. The good or bad news – depending on… Continue reading The World As It Is: Post-2008 Economic Reality Part 2
America – The Center of the Universe
We’re moving towards a jobless society. But the definition of labor is changing to include ‘gigs’ like on Task Rabbit that may not be included in the official labor statistics. The problem is too many people, especially liberal arts grads from no-name colleges, don’t have the skills employers are seeking, combined with cost-cutting measures implemented… Continue reading America – The Center of the Universe
Time to Not Raise the Minimum Wage
From Nick Hanauer, guest contributor of Politico: The Pitchforks Are Coming… For Us Plutocrats Its like he’s telling the elite to reform or else face the improbable consequences. Not too convincing, with no actual data of how a concentration of wealth at the top is bad for the economy. Just leftist idealism, historical anecdotes, and… Continue reading Time to Not Raise the Minimum Wage
The Quadrantsphere and Biological Determinism
The ‘quadrantsphere’ is a collection of blogs whose subject matters encompass the quadrant of IQ, economics, race/gender and education, with bloggers ranging from Ross Douthat, to Thomas Friedman, to iSteve, and even this website. Additionally, topics that encompass the quadrantsphere are popular on Reddit and other sites that cater to a predominately educated, technologically literate,… Continue reading The Quadrantsphere and Biological Determinism
Ralph Nader’s Predictable Denial of the Importance of IQ
From Tyler Cowen’s Ralph Nader interview, the question that most stood out was on the Flynn Effect (bottom of page 4 on the PDF), because Nader’s response encapsulates the modern liberal’s denial of biological determinism, denial of the importance of IQ, and illustrates the general liberal aversion to technology, or tendency to blame society’s problems… Continue reading Ralph Nader’s Predictable Denial of the Importance of IQ