The Rolling Hoax

Rolling Stone, an increasingly irrelevant relic of the Baby Boomer generation that found itself in hot water in 2014 over fabricating a story about rape at the University of Virginia that wrongly implicated a fraternity house, is taking a second round of beating for refusing to fire anyone involved in the hoax. The coverage of… Continue reading The Rolling Hoax

Ongoing Research

For the handful of people who visit this site, I try to cultivate a unique experience for the reader. You may not agree with much – if any – of it, but at least it’s unique. One assume my interests are limited to fringe ideologies, but I also have a fondness for mathematics. Last year… Continue reading Ongoing Research

How to Stop the Masses From Voting in Socialism

A poster, Matt, on the Captain Capitalism Blog raises an interesting point about how if workers don’t feel like they are getting a fair shake, they will vote for socialist candidates/policy to ‘strike back’ at the rich. We saw this play out to some extent in 2008 and 2012 with the election and re-election of… Continue reading How to Stop the Masses From Voting in Socialism

Thee Cheers for Washington: America Stands Alone

From Yahoo Finance: Three cheers for Washington In case you haven’t noticed, we are in another one of those America-stands-alone moments, at least in terms of our economic strength, (notwithstanding a weakish jobs report for March.) I say moments because it won’t last forever. It’s a state that always comes and goes. But compared to… Continue reading Thee Cheers for Washington: America Stands Alone

The Right Concedes the ‘Gay’ Wars

A recent discussion on Jack Donovan, author of The Way of Man, and my observation of how the men’s rights movement doesn’t hold his homosexuality against him got me thinking about how ‘right wing’ values have evolved over the years. I’ll admit it – we, ‘the right’, after a string of victories, including the 1996… Continue reading The Right Concedes the ‘Gay’ Wars

Snapchat Proves America & Capitalism is Not in Decline

As the slowest news cycle in history continues, this was actually a front page story: Snapchat is paying college grads a ridiculous amount of money to work there This is what the left is thinking when they read this story: ‘Why does web 2.0 refuse to burst! These valuations are too high and the media… Continue reading Snapchat Proves America & Capitalism is Not in Decline

Tesla’s Big Surprise. Don’t Bet Against High-IQ.

Tesla stock (TSLA) surged today (and in the after hours) on an announcement of a mystery product line, as tweeted by CEO Elon Musk: Major new Tesla product line — not a car — will be unveiled at our Hawthorne Design Studio on Thurs 8pm, April 30 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 30, 2015 Due… Continue reading Tesla’s Big Surprise. Don’t Bet Against High-IQ.