Time to Retire MLK

Every year on the third Monday of January, most government and business activity in America grinds to a standstill to pay homage to ‘the dreamer’. But maybe it’s time to retire MLK, for the following reasons: 1. MLK is the only American to have an entire national holiday dedicated in his name, after Lincoln and… Continue reading Time to Retire MLK

The Daily View: 1/17/2016 (lots of stuff)

From Fred Reed: The Inevitability of Eugenics I predict within 50 years America will start giving Eugenics a serious consideration as a way to tackle the growing entitlement spending problem, which by then will be much bigger than it is now if trends persist. Liberals and conservative alike need to get over this squeamishness of… Continue reading The Daily View: 1/17/2016 (lots of stuff)

The Daily View : Stocks Plunge, RIP American Dream, Why Prescription Drugs are so Expensive

Here is the backstory behind the 5,000% price hike of Daraprim. In Martin’s defense, the drug is classified as an ‘orphan drug‘, which means there is little demand due to the rarity of the underlying condition it is supposed to treat. In order for phrama companies to profit from orphan drugs, they have to charge… Continue reading The Daily View : Stocks Plunge, RIP American Dream, Why Prescription Drugs are so Expensive

Collapse Can Wait, Part 2

Aaron is right about America’s reserve currency status, and also there is the petrodollar in addition to the ‘flight to safety’ and other factors that are keeping interest rates low and the dollar high, all thanks to American exceptionalism. As bad as the US economy may seem, other countries are worse, although I am more… Continue reading Collapse Can Wait, Part 2

The Daily View: ‘Longest Depression’, Basic Income, Pinterest

From Huffingtonpost: Future Economists Will Probably Call This Decade the ‘Longest Depression’ Sounds like goalpost moving, where slightly mediocre growth becomes a ‘depression’. The 2008 recession, while deep and sudden, was narrow, only lasting about 16 months until growth picked up, where it has remained. Hardly a decade. Also, the authors seem to be cherry… Continue reading The Daily View: ‘Longest Depression’, Basic Income, Pinterest

Does the Nation Make the Genius?

From Social Matter (Identity And Civilization: Why Humanity Depends On Ethnoculture): … nationalism becomes an enemy of civilization when it believes that Shakespeare is great because he was English, rather than that England is great because it produced Shakespeare. But the HBD argument is that genes produce geniuses, not nations. Maybe it so happen that… Continue reading Does the Nation Make the Genius?

Better or Worse?

Two contrasting viewpoints: Pessimistic: The Truly New Year Optimistic: Financial Fridays: The Stock Market is Bullshit New inventions and technologies would outpace the demand for those commodities so that as we needed their functionality more, the prices would fall. Think about computers: your price per speed and functionality in your computer has gone down every… Continue reading Better or Worse?