Crying Wolf: Holding the Pundits and Media Accountable for Being Wrong about Snapchat and Web 2.0

Snapchat’s valuation has now eclipsed $30 billion on its second day of trading (in agreement with my prediction in June 2014)…yet so many pundits got it wrong. But not just for Snapchat, but also Uber, Facebook, Google, Dropbox, Pinterest, AirBnB, Amazon, and many more. I’ve been reading predictions of a Web 2.0 bubble burst since… Continue reading Crying Wolf: Holding the Pundits and Media Accountable for Being Wrong about Snapchat and Web 2.0

Web 2.0 & the Economy: It’s Different This Time, Part 2

In the past month, there have been a plethora of doom and gloom articles about web 2.0, Silicon Valley, the economy, and start-ups. In this series, I address some of the major concerns, arguing that perhaps the negativity is not all warranted. Part 1 From The coming dot-com 3.0 collapse: Google, Apple, Facebook, Amazon… Continue reading Web 2.0 & the Economy: It’s Different This Time, Part 2

Not Worried About Tech Valuations: Why It May Be Different This Time

In the past month, there have been a plethora of doom and gloom articles about web 2.0, Silicon Valley, the economy, and start-ups. In this series, I address some of the major concerns, arguing that perhaps the doom and gloom is not all warranted. Big-Cap Tech Stocks Are a Sucker Bet We’ve been hearing these… Continue reading Not Worried About Tech Valuations: Why It May Be Different This Time

Snapchat’s Huge Windfall : The State of Web 2.0

Looks like my 2014 prediction of Snapchat, originally valued at $4 billion, being worth $30 billion by 2016 is coming true. This talk of bubbles reminds me of 2007 when everyone, including all the experts, was certain Facebook was a bubble at a valuation of $15 billion after Microsoft invested; now it’s worth $200+ billion.… Continue reading Snapchat’s Huge Windfall : The State of Web 2.0