Indeed, it also helps that he was smart enough to get into Harvard. Like the left wanting to believe Einstein failed math, the left tries to create this narrative that college is not necessary for success when, in fact, in most instances it is – it’s just that for people of the highest intelligence it… Continue reading Deconstructing Liberalism
With the Exception of China, Emerging Markets Are Still Awful
From The Reformed Broker: The Circus of What’s Working Now Josh Brown, author of The Reformed Broker, writes: The reality is that foreign stocks and US stocks take turns outperforming each other in roughly four year increments. The last such timeframe where foreign developed equities beat the S&P was from 2003 to 2007. There’s no… Continue reading With the Exception of China, Emerging Markets Are Still Awful
Defending Finance: Why Bankers and Economists Are Not to Blame for the Crisis
From the Economist, What’s wrong with finance There’s nothing wrong with finance or economists, but there is often something wrong when leftists pontificate about finance and economics. In the same way the left dismisses IQ as being useless, the left also dismisses economics as merely being a superstition, akin to reading entrails, or the left… Continue reading Defending Finance: Why Bankers and Economists Are Not to Blame for the Crisis
We’re All Becoming Economists, Scientists, and Objectivists
It seems like everyone is discussing economics these days. I remember, as recently just a decade ago, it was mostly economists and finance guys who discussed economics, but now it’s pretty much every 20-something who is an armchair economist. Economics has become so pervasive in our everyday lives – from employment, to automation, to basic… Continue reading We’re All Becoming Economists, Scientists, and Objectivists
Smooth Sailing Ahead
For those who already don’t know my opinion, the stock market is going higher – much higher. There are no foreseeable headwinds, no storms clouds brewing. Pretty much all the economic factors that were in place when the bull market began in March 2009 are still here today – albeit with much, much higher prices,… Continue reading Smooth Sailing Ahead
Is the ‘Red Pill’ Teaching Obsolete Skills?
It’s funny how Roosh, one of the main evangelizers of the masculinity/Red Pill movement, is being criticised for, well, not being ‘alpha’ enough. If Roosh can’t do it, what does that say about everyone else? What is means is that the Red Pill’s priorities could be misguided. Probably my only criticism of the Red Pill… Continue reading Is the ‘Red Pill’ Teaching Obsolete Skills?
Wisdom of the Markets
spooky …how did it, the market, know so soon? Of course, it may just be a coincidence and this particular company had problems beyond Challenger more detail: Stock Market Reaction to the Challenger Disaster This lends further credence to the EMH, which the left assumes is discredited because of the existence bubbles, crashes, and frauds.… Continue reading Wisdom of the Markets
A unified theory of online discourse
There are an implicit set of rules and mores that governs online discussions; by implicit, one only learns them through trial and error because there is no guide, until now. Avoid declarative statements – otherwise you risk appearing pigheaded – a cardinal sin – versus just mistaken. This is probably the most important rule. Unless… Continue reading A unified theory of online discourse
Liberal Narrative Collapse
In 2008 we were all Keynesians. No we’re all libertarians, scientists and ‘brogrammers’. Everyone is getting richer and smarter than ever as wealth and intelligence becomes more important in today’s competitive economy. Some of the most up-voted posts on Imgur, a site that is the ‘zeitgeist’ of millenial thought, are photos of peaceful demonstrations in… Continue reading Liberal Narrative Collapse
Micro Economics 101
W’re still in perhaps the slowest new cycle ever. What is the future of the news media in a world where everything is deterministic and better than expected? Take the 2016 election, for example. We know it’ going to be a toss-up of Walker or Jeb vs. Clinton. The post-2008 economic expansion and epic bull… Continue reading Micro Economics 101