The Bailouts Benefited Everyone, Not Just Bankers

From NYT: Bernie Sanders: To Rein In Wall Street, Fix the Fed WALL STREET is still out of control. Seven years ago, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department bailed out the largest financial institutions in this country because they were considered too big to fail. But almost every one is bigger today than it… Continue reading The Bailouts Benefited Everyone, Not Just Bankers

Wealth Inequality Not a Big Concern

‘Capitalism, Tradition and Traditionalism’ – An Overview . The Reactionary sees no problem with wealth inequality, which reflects differences of aptitude, however the people at large will be prone to complaints of wealth inequality if their entire world is centered around capital, that which they may be unsuccessful at accumulating. Marx himself said that communism… Continue reading Wealth Inequality Not a Big Concern

Fredrick Brennan on Eugenics

Hotwheels: Why I Support Eugenics Fredrick Brennan aka ‘hotwheels’, the creator of the popular imageboard 8chan and who is severely disabled due to brittle bone disease, uses himself as an example for why eugenics is a good idea for lowering healthcare costs and minimizing human suffering: As a society, most of us seem to agree… Continue reading Fredrick Brennan on Eugenics

Reactionary Realism

From Poseidon Awoke, NRx: Against Platonic Rationalism: I believe that the Dark Enlightenment is the realization that we are currently governed by pseudosciences, which were created out of the Enlightenment exuberance for the human ability to reason (rationalize). What the children of the Enlightenment did not understand was the limits of human cognition and the… Continue reading Reactionary Realism

Millennials Losing Faith in Democracy

This is great news for the ‘alt right’ cause: Are Americans losing faith in democracy? Most millennials don’t think it’s essential to live in a democracy: If you wonder why I write to much about Reddit and Millennials – this is why. There is a huge demographic here of people who are potentially repetitive to… Continue reading Millennials Losing Faith in Democracy

INTP people rule the world

From Anti-Dem Playboy After Dark Another possibility is that the ‘Playboy lifestyle’ is no longer ‘cool’, as millennials eschew ostentatious materialism for intellectualism and minimalism. Millennials want to be rich, but prefer saving or investing the money instead of squandering it on positional goods. They want to be like Zuck, Musk, Buffett or Gates, not… Continue reading INTP people rule the world

What isn’t being taught in schools that should be?

This ‘Ask Reddit’ question What isn’t being taught in schools that should be? is going viral. This was the most upvoted answer, getting over 3,000 upvotes: HOW TO Pay taxes Vote Find a job Buy a house Buy a car LESSONS Current Events What laws there are Financial Advice Trading stocks Mental disorders Politics As… Continue reading What isn’t being taught in schools that should be?

An Army of Fact Checkers: How Reddit (and social media) is Destroying the SJW Narrative

Scott ponders how online reporting of science can be improved. Maybe a solution is to ‘crowdsource’ the peer review through social media such as Reddit, putting all these smart users to use to do the fact-checking the mainstream media is otherwise too lazy or incompetent to do – in fact, that already is happening. Pretty… Continue reading An Army of Fact Checkers: How Reddit (and social media) is Destroying the SJW Narrative