It is possible for large groups of people to keep secrets for a long time

A common argument against the existence of conspiracy theories is that large groups of people are unable to keep secrets, so the existence of the conspiracy will inevitably leak to the public. How can thousands of people be involved in a moon landing hoax, UFOs, or 9/11, and not have at least one of them… Continue reading It is possible for large groups of people to keep secrets for a long time

The Debate over Cancel Culture: Some Thoughts

Over the past week there has been considerable discussion about cancel culture and free speech. But some of the analysis possibly misdiagnoses the problem. Much of the media attention and hype focuses on academic censorship or social media censorship, but–news flash–censorship is everywhere where there are humans and a scarcity of the most valuable resource… Continue reading The Debate over Cancel Culture: Some Thoughts

Not that smart

From Cernovich People assume because I used to look like a model, and remain handsome for my age, that I can’t bring the heat. In fact physical health is a sign of high IQ. The brain is organic matter, after all. I would like to invite Noah to run hill sprints with me. ❤️❤️❤️… Continue reading Not that smart

Market update Fed edition

Time for a market update 1. The fed raised interest rates yesterday, as expected. I am very optimistic about the stock market going forward. I’m expecting new highs this year despite the recent selling due to Ukraine. 2. Right now, real interest rates are the lowest ever, at around negative 6-8%. This is hugely negative,… Continue reading Market update Fed edition

Tooleb still shilling for the left on Ukraine-Russia

Another angry Arab man post: A reminder that Greenwald is a fraud.In Russia ~15,000 protesters have been detained at rallies (wsj). In the West, Zero.But @ggreenwald plays w/misunderstanding of statistical effects/scale. Below, it is private voices, NOT THE GOVERNMENT, are stupidly calling for detention. — Nassim Nicholas Taleb (@nntaleb) March 15, 2022 So now… Continue reading Tooleb still shilling for the left on Ukraine-Russia

Calling Out Taleb and the Media for Russian Misinformation

Seems like things are going in slow motion. This is like the O.J. chase equivalent of war. Putin is smart to drag this out longer than necessary. The media’s expectation is that Putin would advance fast, but prolonging the invasion and keeping causalities and damage to a minimum means the media may lose interest, and… Continue reading Calling Out Taleb and the Media for Russian Misinformation