I am not the most religious person, but when the left attacks religion for being conformist, they should at least look in the mirror first. The similarities are uncanny: And finally, if the left is as smart as they pretend to be, why does Jon Stewart, who mocked Palin for using a teleprompter, needs one… Continue reading Atheist Liberals’ Pastor Jon Stewart Final Taping
Category: Uncategorized
The Trump PR Machine
Trump has momentum. The question is, will he follow through or drop-out as he as done every time before. IMHO, Trump is an establishment candidate pretending to be anti-establishment. It’s possible he is helping Jeb by making the ‘establishment’ seem more electable by comparison. People assume his one comment about immigration makes him a rebel,… Continue reading The Trump PR Machine
Birth ‘Lottery’ Does Not Preclude Meritocracy
DOES ‘BIRTH LOTTERY’ TRUMP THE AMERICAN DREAM? There is a long-standing debate among economists and sociologists if the birth ‘lottery’ – factors outside of the control of the individual, such as parent’s income, IQ, and race, precludes the existence of the meritocracy. When a child wins the “birth lottery” by being born into a higher-income… Continue reading Birth ‘Lottery’ Does Not Preclude Meritocracy
Lost Decade? Hardly
From James Pethokoukis: Lost Decade? The US is about to have its first 10-year period since World War II without at least one year of 3% growth. Mr. Pethokoukis, in his earlier articles, is right in his criticism of regulation and raising the minimum wage, but he is wrong to suggest we’re in a ‘lost… Continue reading Lost Decade? Hardly
What is Better Than a Republic? (Hint: It’s Not Democracy)
Off-topic: The Grey Enlightenment RSS Feed can be found here Here Scott Asks: What is Better Than a Republic? He writes, But if I get to vote on every issue, I feel a personal responsibility to the people affected. There is a big difference between watching your elected representatives abuse a minority group and doing… Continue reading What is Better Than a Republic? (Hint: It’s Not Democracy)
We’re Making Life Too Hard for Millennials
From Steven Rattner of the NY Times: We’re Making Life Too Hard for Millennials TO some, millennials — those urban-dwelling, ride-sharing indefatigable social networkers — are engaged, upbeat and open to change. To others, they are narcissistic, lazy and self-centered. Saddled with debt and thin paychecks, millennials are delaying purchasing cars and new homes, low… Continue reading We’re Making Life Too Hard for Millennials
Brain Training Doesn’t Make You Smarter
This pretty much upends the left’s approach to education: Brain Training Doesn’t Make You Smarter. The left wants to believe that costly intervention can make kids smarter, and that everyone is blank slate, but the empirical evidence doesn’t bear itself out. It also agrees with my criticism of ‘cognitive enhancers’ Unfortunately, human biology restricts our… Continue reading Brain Training Doesn’t Make You Smarter
Uber Worth $50 Billion, Leaves Doubters in the Dust
Uber is now worth $50 billion What happened to the California ruling that was supposed to be the demise of Uber? It was way overblown, the pertinent details ignored in the leftist anti-Uber cacophony. Obviously, Uber can’t make every driver an employee, and no judge would ever decree that they do so. What if someone… Continue reading Uber Worth $50 Billion, Leaves Doubters in the Dust
Getting Rich Quick In the Silicon Valley
Silicon Valley is perhaps the most productive and innovative place in the world Silicon Valley is like an HBD success story, a region that through the free market and meritocracy rewards the best and the brightest for their contributions to society. People in Silicon Valley get rich through IQ, skill, hard work and competence –… Continue reading Getting Rich Quick In the Silicon Valley
We’re Not Broke
The documentary We’re Not Broke went viral on Reddit. The synopsis is that the Republicans are wrong about America being broke, and that there would be more money for social programs and infrastructure if tax loopholes and other problems were fixed. Despite being on the right, I agree with the ‘left’ that America is not… Continue reading We’re Not Broke