Some background to understand how the "rationalists" a la Dawkins have a nonscientific view of humans. — NassimNicholasTaleb (@nntaleb) February 4, 2016 Lib Nicholas Nassim Taleb takes another shot at Dawkins. As for the passage itself, there’s room for both theory and empiricism, as I explain in an earlier article Falsifiability, String Theory, and… Continue reading Defending ‘Theory’ and Rationalism
Category: Uncategorized
He’s Right
From Yahoo finance Martin Shkreli is actually a great guy He’s right: Hard to accept that these imbeciles represent the people in our government. — Martin Shkreli (@MartinShkreli) February 4, 2016 A ‘kakistocracy’ is defined as a government run by the incompetent, the opposite of a meritocracy or technocracy, which is the situation we have… Continue reading He’s Right
Millennials leading the alt-right
The Current Chapter There are some positive things to be said for sure about a young, energetic, tech-savvy identitarian movement: Ability to hijack online culture and force the mainstream to pay some attention to long suppressed racialist ideas. Young people are more willing to embrace the radicalism that this age demands. Anonymous culture, beyond protecting… Continue reading Millennials leading the alt-right
NRx and Positivism
Good essay on positivism and how NRx differs from other branches of the ‘alt right’: As mentioned in my previous post the Dissident Right can be broadly divided into the “feeling Right” which is typified by the Alt-Right and the “thinking” Right which, I feel, is typified by Neoreaction. NRx is more about ideas than… Continue reading NRx and Positivism
The Internet Stands Behind Richard Dawkins
As some may already know, Richard Dawkins got booted from a science panel for re-tweeting a funny and accurate video “Feminists Love Islamists” that portrays feminists negative light. The video is correct that feminists give cover to Islam, a religion that is inherently oppressive and misogynistic, while attacking harmless Christians. In their distorted worldview, truth… Continue reading The Internet Stands Behind Richard Dawkins
‘Peak Everything’ and the ‘winner-take-all’ market
Multi-billionaires, who can control the media and the boards of directors, can’t beat the market. Hedge funds, who have the most sophisticated tools and PHDs at their disposal, can’t do it either. From pragmatic capitalism: Dear Hedge Funds: Index Funds Didn’t Eat Your Returns Indexing strategies have been the fastest growing segment of the asset… Continue reading ‘Peak Everything’ and the ‘winner-take-all’ market
The Writing Boom
First, the grim statics of writing for publication, which I’m sure every author is aware of: The 10 Awful Truths About Book Publishing Thinking of Self-Publishing Your Book in 2013? Here’s What You Need to Know This passage stood out: 1. The number of books being published every year has exploded. Bowker reports that over… Continue reading The Writing Boom
Stulti Philosophiam Interesting article. A couple thoughts: I think some of us are being too choosy in rejecting too many people when our ‘movement/ideology/whatever’ is already pretty small to begin with. Bloggers who create YouTube videos and posts denouncing SJWs, are our ideological allies and like NRx many oppose leftist of ideals of egalitarianism and… Continue reading Moderates
NRx Ideology & Endgame, part 2
The recent dust-up over the ‘alt right’ has provoked some soul searching among the NRx community as to what, precisely, NRx means and or how a hypothetical NRx government should operate and ascend to power. Why I am not Neoreactionary more debate… First, the basics: we have the ‘alt right’, an umbrella term that encompasses… Continue reading NRx Ideology & Endgame, part 2
From WEST COAST REACTIONARIES: Consequence Time Centrists and milquetoasts, your era is over. Your question is, do you want a society of honest labor, god, and traditional European/American values? Or do you want a society of transsexual Africans forcing you to pay a white privilege tax? Embrace one of those two, or embrace actual, brutal… Continue reading Centrism