Social Hierarchies and Techno Libertarianism are Compatible

An interesting pot by ‘NRx safe’ Equality creates Conflict When those on the traditional right talk about societal hierarchies, they may mostly be referring to gender roles, and this is valid, but the hierarchy also exists in the HBD-sphere as it pertains to IQ, which is America’s new caste system that is playing an increasingly… Continue reading Social Hierarchies and Techno Libertarianism are Compatible

The NRx ‘Trichotomy’ Becomes a Dichotomy

From a Facebook post by Curt Dolittle, AN ANALYSIS OF THE STATE OF NRx AND ITS RELATION TO PROPERTARIANISM Neoreaction has its roots deeply embedded in San Francisco-area tech culture. Moldbug is a technologist who is now trying to upgrade the internet. Anissimov worked as media director for the Machine Intelligence Research Institute and gained… Continue reading The NRx ‘Trichotomy’ Becomes a Dichotomy

Is Verbal IQ The Same As Speech/Language?

From PumkinPerson: Some thoughts on the nature of intelligence: Verbal IQ (using your vocal cords as a tool to your advantage), and Performance IQ (using your hands as a tool to your advantage). So Verbal IQ measures abilities such as vocabulary, and Performance IQ measures largely spatial abilities such as making designs using multi-coloured blocks.… Continue reading Is Verbal IQ The Same As Speech/Language?

The Great Debate: Gamers vs. SJWs : An Etiology

Every month is seems like there is some internet outrage that I’m behind the curve on. It’s like Jr. High school where you have those who like Leonardo diCaprio and those who like Brad Pitt, or something. But in more serious terms, the outcome will have important implications for the future of online discourse and… Continue reading The Great Debate: Gamers vs. SJWs : An Etiology

Effective Altruism Need Not Be Politically Correct

Maybe the form of altruism with the highest ROI isn’t one that is politically correct. The problem is when one side takes cheap shots the other, such as by invoking Godwin’s Law, as an easy substitute for having to actually provide a substantive counterargument. If my version of EA (effective altruism) is a high-IQ basic… Continue reading Effective Altruism Need Not Be Politically Correct

Is Your Job Next?

The economic rules have changed since 2008, the old plan of gainful employment and fulfillment has been replaced by a new plan of ennui, anomie, anxiety and emptiness – a deterministic world where everything is pre-planned and predictable up until the moment it happens, where we’re all preordained to mediocrity. The question is what happens… Continue reading Is Your Job Next?

Affordable Housing, Healthcare, & Tuition: Putting Things in Perspective

Vox Day writes: The SJWs and cuckservatives celebrate diversity, but what they are also celebrating is poverty. America’s living standards have fallen considerably since 1973, but no one realizes it yet because the combination of technological advancement and debt-spending conceals that fact. But it gradually becomes obvious, as Americans become increasingly unable to afford houses… Continue reading Affordable Housing, Healthcare, & Tuition: Putting Things in Perspective