Today’s good news: Low-wage jobs drive the recovery, says new report U.S. Stocks Gain on Internet Rally Amid Earnings Reports The New Gilded Age: A bigger con job than the first one We’re becoming over-coddled and spoiled. We grew up expecting a comfortable retirement, a good wage and stable employment. Millions of young people took… Continue reading Low Paying Jobs Create Economic Value
Speaking Too Soon Again
Everyone does it – speaking too soon, calling the top too early, predicting a bubble or crisis where none exists, etc. Josh Brown is the latest. Let’s see…on the very week he wrote this blog post, Air B&B secured a funding at a mind-blowing $10 billion valuation. So I guess the bursting of the rich… Continue reading Speaking Too Soon Again
More Evidence Bigger is Better
More evidence big business, not small business, is the driver of the U.S. economy : American Dream Peddlers Lax federal oversight allowed lenders to repeatedly make bad loans to small businesses under a government program that has cost taxpayers $1.3 billion since 2000 on defaulted loans, a Dayton Daily News investigation found. Since the beginning… Continue reading More Evidence Bigger is Better
IQ and SAT Scores as a Solution to the Student Loan Crisis
From the WSJ: Job Hunting? Dig Up Those Old SAT Scores In the smartist era -an era of perpetually rising stocks, of a hyper-meritocracy, of hyper-globalization, of hyper-capitalism, of super-productivity and super-efficiency- never before have the economic premiums of being smart been so great, or the disadvantages of being average been so grave and intractable.… Continue reading IQ and SAT Scores as a Solution to the Student Loan Crisis
A Case Against Secular Stagnation
The secular stagnation theory has gained a lot of attention in the past few years. From Wikipedia: Economists have asked whether the low economic growth rate in the developed world leading up to and following the subprime mortgage crisis of 2007-2008 was due to secular stagnation. For example, economist Paul Krugman wrote in September 2013:… Continue reading A Case Against Secular Stagnation
In Praise of the Contrarian Blogging Movement
As we explain in the intro page, the contrarian blogging movement gained momentum following the financial crisis and the election of Obama in retaliation to the perceived incompetence and political correctness of the prevailing political and media hegemony. Contrarian blogging and journalism covers the entire political spectrum and consists of a combination of a rejection… Continue reading In Praise of the Contrarian Blogging Movement
No, We Don’t Need to Put People to Work
Kevin Williamson from National Review Online writes: The cost of mass unemployment is not only the loss of income and dignity suffered by the jobless. The real cost includes the loss of theeconomic output of the unemployed. This sounds like something Paul Krugman would say. Seems like he’s falling for the ‘we must put people… Continue reading No, We Don’t Need to Put People to Work
Time for Putin to Cut-Off Gas to Europe?
From Friedman: Fareed, I’m going to ask you something. Would you think I’m a bad guy if I were hoping that Vladimir Putin turned off the gas to Europe? Because that’s my secret hope, because I believe if Putin turns off the oil and gas to Europe right now, it would be the equivalent… Continue reading Time for Putin to Cut-Off Gas to Europe?
The Day That Died: The Worst of Business Journalism
It’s a sad statement about business journalism that in just a single day we found five articles that were too idiotic to ignore. Here they are: 1. Inc Magazine: The Only Way to Get Really, Really Rich Yet your downside is always unlimited because getting fired or laid off can make your income disappear overnight–and… Continue reading The Day That Died: The Worst of Business Journalism
A Nation of Crybabies
When the left is not predicting doom, they are pointing fingers – common targets being the fed, the rich, Washington and ‘greedy’ employers that refuse to pay their employees a ‘livable wage’ for the job of inquiring patrons about wanting fries to go with their burger. They hate success and America’s exceptionalism, so anything that… Continue reading A Nation of Crybabies