Stocks tumble 1.2% and volatility surges 40%! as another Malaysian airplane goes down, allegedly by Ukrainian Rebels. While this turn of events could technically mean I was wrong about Russia not being a big deal, there would have been no way for anyone to have made a profit had they bet against the market or… Continue reading Buy the Dip on Ukraine Fears
Blogging and Value
If the market is open, there’s a strong likelihood it will be positive – and indeed it was, with the S&P 500 up another seven points. That may not seem like much, but yesterday Janet dog-faced ‘Yeller’ Yellen, stepping aside from her assigned duties of regulating the money supply, suggested that social media and biotech… Continue reading Blogging and Value
The Greatest of Times?
Despite dysfunction in Washington, an empty suit in the Oval Office, and a political class that is tearing itself apart, people are still getting richer than ever in Silicon Valley and on Wall St. We’re still living in the greatest of times. As the market closes at record highs, more wealth was created in the… Continue reading The Greatest of Times?
Rick Santelli and the STEM Bailout
Rick Santelli loses it on-air: Rick Santelli, like many other pundits, incorrectly predicted there would be hyperinflation as measured by bond prices, but to some extend he is right about inflation in the numerous services that aren’t tied to the treasury market such as healthcare, tuition, air travel, gasoline, food, TV & internet bundles, and… Continue reading Rick Santelli and the STEM Bailout
Ignore the News
A year later, National Review Online is still going on about the IRS emails long after most people stopped caring, including republicans such as myself. Did bad stuff happen? Probably. Will there be a resolution that satisfies the republicans? Probably not. Does the outcome effect your life? Nope. There are two things in the world:… Continue reading Ignore the News
The Daily View: We’re All Becoming Weirdos
Silicon Valley is the center of the universe – a bastion of innovation, capital creation, risk taking, and an unassailable meritocracy where anyone, regardless of national origin, age, or professional status can become instantly rich through hard work and intellect. We’re witnessing a concentration of wealth for the top 1% of IQ, but stagnation for… Continue reading The Daily View: We’re All Becoming Weirdos
More Good News For College Grads
In the smartist era, to be a STEM major is to be among the most important and respected people in the world, especially online where such individuals tend to be elevated to deity status. College graduates, particularly STEM graduates, haven’t experienced a decline in inflation adjusted income levels, unlike everyone else: Notice how those who… Continue reading More Good News For College Grads
The Differences Between Neo/Classical Liberalism and Welfare Liberalism
The most succinct, clear summary of the differences between neo/classical liberalism and welfare liberalism is not found on an academic webpage or a political blog, but on of all places. This is so good, I copied the whole thing in case it gets deleted. Emphasis added in bold. Welfare and neo-classical liberalism are the… Continue reading The Differences Between Neo/Classical Liberalism and Welfare Liberalism
College, The Economy, and America Being in Decline
From Taki’s magazine Activists for a Stupider Tomorrow Some of themes of this article are: 1. credentialism 2. college becoming too expensive 3. college failing to teach useful skills 4. America being in decline 5. bad job market for college grads Regarding #1, #2 & #3, a college degree ‘signals’ to employers that the applicant… Continue reading College, The Economy, and America Being in Decline
The Uselessness of Pop Social Psychology
From a discussion on Marginal Revolution: iSteve writes: The fundamental problem with the human sciences at present is that what is most replicable is that which is most forbidden to acknowledge: that what consistently matters, time and again, are genetic differences represented by race and sex. Everybody kind of deep down knows that’s true because… Continue reading The Uselessness of Pop Social Psychology