With the exception of the Ferguson police story and the usual stuff going on in Russia & Ukraine, it’s a pretty uneventful news day. Tech real estate driven mania: San Francisco median rent is $3,200 and typical home now costs $1,000,000: The hollowing out of the middle. This is good and bad news. It’s bad… Continue reading The Hollowing Out of the Middle as Home Prices Surge in the Bay Area
A Possible Market Inneficiency Today
From the context of market efficiency, how do you explain the delayed market reaction to today’s (8/15/2014) breaking news about the Ukrainian troops attacking the Russian military convoy: As indicated by the yellow oval, the ES mini (S&P 500 futures) only fell 2 points within the first minute after the story broke at 9:40 and… Continue reading A Possible Market Inneficiency Today
Sorry Liberals, But for High-Paying Jobs, Talent Does Play an Important Role in the Hiring Process
From Lion: iq and- getting ahead he writes: whereas in 2014 college graduates are likely to only find work at crappy service jobs unless they have connections (usually from family but extroverted college grads often find their own connections) or they graduated from the most elite colleges (and even then, connections are important). Lion believes… Continue reading Sorry Liberals, But for High-Paying Jobs, Talent Does Play an Important Role in the Hiring Process
Libertarian = Socially Liberal ?
George Gilder isn’t a name that comes up on the blogs, despite having a noted exchange with Steve on immigration and having views that many IQ realists could agree on. A believer in biological determinism (from what I could infer) who wrote the book on supply side economics as well as a vocal critic of… Continue reading Libertarian = Socially Liberal ?
Liberal Assault on Apple & Steve Jobs
The left, in their war on success, is trying to sully the legacy of one of America’s most beloved capitalists and visionaries The problem is proving damages. you have to figure out: what % of the total number of employees could have been targets of poaching and suffered potential monetary losses from the no-poaching agreement.… Continue reading Liberal Assault on Apple & Steve Jobs
The Daily View: Ivy League Bashing and Employment
An interesting post from Lion about Ivy leagues and the ‘elite’ By in large, the Ivy Leagues of today (versus the quotas of the early 20th century), in addition to MIT and Caltech, are meritocracies that grant admission to only the best and the brightest out of a huge (and growing) pool of candidates. This… Continue reading The Daily View: Ivy League Bashing and Employment
The Daily View: Consumer Spending, Malcom Gladwell, Financial Crisis
America’s economy is still booming as retail sales keep making new highs: But isn’t the consumer supposed to be maxed out, says the left? How do they keep spending? This is not supposed to happen, because the libs say wealth inequality is too high, so consumers should not be able to spend as much. So… Continue reading The Daily View: Consumer Spending, Malcom Gladwell, Financial Crisis
The Smartist Era, Part 2
Part 1: The Smartist Era The left likes to lament about the dumbing down of society, while ironically, actively contributing to the alleged dumbing down by opposing the talent based meritocracy in exchange for politically correct equal outcomes and rebuking biological determinism, IQ, and standardized testing. So if dumbing down is occurring, the left is… Continue reading The Smartist Era, Part 2
More Wealth Inequality Bullshit
There’s a study from S&P that Inequality Is Damaging the U.S. Economy. Of course, there are no specifics of how exactly rising income inequality is bad for the economy, but but since economics has mostly devolved into a leftist social science that has become indistinguishable from sociology, to have actual numbers and empirical evidence would… Continue reading More Wealth Inequality Bullshit
Utilitarianism Is Not Welfare Liberalism
From Taki Magazine “greatest happiness for the greatest number” would become an argument for totalitarian ultra-veganism? hmmm… But being a utilitarian doesn’t mean you also have to be a leftist egalitarian . As a utilitarian, I believe in economic and social policy such as supply side economics as well as eugenics that will create an… Continue reading Utilitarianism Is Not Welfare Liberalism