It’s better to self-actualize than work in a dead-end job . With all the free resources available online to acquire high-paying skills, why waste time with low paying, low-skill work – unless I guess you really need money. Well-intentioned adults are giving bad advice to young people by encouraging them work dead-end jobs instead of… Continue reading Adults, Stop Giving Bad Career Advice to Young People
Is the National Debt a Big Deal? Maybe not
From The Atlantic: Why the U.S. Government Never, Ever Has to Pay Back All Its Debt For years the doom and glomers have insisted that America’s debt burden will result in some sort of cataclysmic, hyper-inflationary ‘debt crisis’, but yields have been falling in the intervening years since the bank bailouts, with the 10 and… Continue reading Is the National Debt a Big Deal? Maybe not
The World is Getting Safer, So Why Does this Make Libs Mad?
Attention news readers: We will continue writing articles about the violence decline until you stop kvetching. — Noah Smith (@Noahpinion) January 14, 2015 Upon first glance, one would assume that a Cato report about the world being safer is good news, but to the discontent left who yearn for class warfare and crisis, it… Continue reading The World is Getting Safer, So Why Does this Make Libs Mad?
What I Want
Until the stock market start going up there will be fewer posts. I can’t write about biological determinism, smartism, IQ and stuff like that if the market is not going up. What I want: 1. A big spike in unemployment This will: a. Prolong zero percent interest rates, boosting both stocks and bonds b. Lower… Continue reading What I Want
Improving Obama’s Community College Plan
Besides the Charlie Hebdo attack, the other big story of the week is Obama’s plan to make community college free for everyone. A few thoughts come to mind: The timing of this announcement is conspicuous, coming just days after the Charlie Hebdo attack. It’s not unreasonable to assume Obama did this to take attention away… Continue reading Improving Obama’s Community College Plan
Much Needed IQ Realism in the Anti and Pro College Movements
There’s a misconception by the pro-college crowd that college is a stepping stone to success, or, according to the the anti-college crowd, that skipping college will give you an invaluable head-start in life. There are caveats to both of these, and the immutable laws of biology are to blame. College is just another IQ test,… Continue reading Much Needed IQ Realism in the Anti and Pro College Movements
Why We Need to Put the Elite in Power
Related anti democracy part 1, part 2, The Pursuit of Equality, There’s a lot of hype over quadratic voting. From Quadratic voting is a procedure that a group of people can use to jointly choose a collective good for themselves. Each person can buy votes for or against a proposal by paying into a… Continue reading Why We Need to Put the Elite in Power
Economic Misconceptions
Economics may be the gloomy science, but it’S also a counterintituve one. For example, research shows that stocks and treasury bonds react favorably to rising unemployment during expansionary periods (like today and the 90’s). This is because the economic benefits of lower interest rates (cheaper borrowing) exceeds the consequences of rising unemployment. That theme has… Continue reading Economic Misconceptions
2015 Market Predictions
My 2015 prediction/wish list: 1. American economic exceptionalism continues unimpeded. US stock market, US economy, and US dollar will continue to outperform global peers on a inflation adjusted basis. Between 2011-2014, adjusted for inflation, the S&P 500 has beaten everything. Aaron sums it up perfectly: It may be too early to enjoy the decline. America… Continue reading 2015 Market Predictions
The Rise of Nerd Culture in the Post-2008 Era
A couple weeks ago I wanted to do another article about the rise of nerd culture in the post-2008 economy, but Steve beat me to it. I think he gets somewhat distracted in the end by focusing on music and the like, instead of the what I consider to be the more important social and… Continue reading The Rise of Nerd Culture in the Post-2008 Era