A poster, Matt, on the Captain Capitalism Blog raises an interesting point about how if workers don’t feel like they are getting a fair shake, they will vote for socialist candidates/policy to ‘strike back’ at the rich. We saw this play out to some extent in 2008 and 2012 with the election and re-election of… Continue reading How to Stop the Masses From Voting in Socialism
Thee Cheers for Washington: America Stands Alone
From Yahoo Finance: Three cheers for Washington In case you haven’t noticed, we are in another one of those America-stands-alone moments, at least in terms of our economic strength, (notwithstanding a weakish jobs report for March.) I say moments because it won’t last forever. It’s a state that always comes and goes. But compared to… Continue reading Thee Cheers for Washington: America Stands Alone
The Right Concedes the ‘Gay’ Wars
A recent discussion on Jack Donovan, author of The Way of Man, and my observation of how the men’s rights movement doesn’t hold his homosexuality against him got me thinking about how ‘right wing’ values have evolved over the years. I’ll admit it – we, ‘the right’, after a string of victories, including the 1996… Continue reading The Right Concedes the ‘Gay’ Wars
Snapchat Proves America & Capitalism is Not in Decline
As the slowest news cycle in history continues, this was actually a front page story: Snapchat is paying college grads a ridiculous amount of money to work there This is what the left is thinking when they read this story: ‘Why does web 2.0 refuse to burst! These valuations are too high and the media… Continue reading Snapchat Proves America & Capitalism is Not in Decline
Stanford’s Free Tuition
The left is fuming over this: Stanford offers free tuition for families making less than $125,000 The left hates how they had to pay full tuition to go to a crappy no-name school, but high-IQ Stanford (and other Ivy League) students get free tuition and all the prestige that comes with a Stanford degree. This… Continue reading Stanford’s Free Tuition
We Solved Everything
With the possible exception of the Germanwings crash, there is like literally nothing fucking going on. 2015, like 2014 and 2013, promises to be an uneventful but prosperous year. Expect web 2.0 valuations to keep rising, but stocks seem to be sputtering possibly due to the strong dollar. We (as a nation) have almost become… Continue reading We Solved Everything
Seth Godin’s Nod to Consequentialism
From The panic tax 1. The cost of ameliorating panic in your system is always less than the cost of the lost productivity when panic hits. In other words, all the other steps are worth it Agree. That’s my rationale for supporting TARP, in that the nominal cost of the bailout (about $700 billion) was… Continue reading Seth Godin’s Nod to Consequentialism
Tesla’s Big Surprise. Don’t Bet Against High-IQ.
Tesla stock (TSLA) surged today (and in the after hours) on an announcement of a mystery product line, as tweeted by CEO Elon Musk: Major new Tesla product line — not a car — will be unveiled at our Hawthorne Design Studio on Thurs 8pm, April 30 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 30, 2015 Due… Continue reading Tesla’s Big Surprise. Don’t Bet Against High-IQ.
Liberalism is the Problem, Not Technology
A major part where the ideologies of far-left and the traditional right converge is in their mutual skepticism and distrust of technology and free markets, another is foreign policy. Liberals worry that technology will destroy jobs, create wealth inequality, and harm the environment. Conservatives worry that technology will disrupt the family structure and traditions, as… Continue reading Liberalism is the Problem, Not Technology
Peter Schiff and other Doom and Gloomers Losing Credibility
It appears that even posters in the right-leaning neo-reactionary community are starting to call out these doom and gloomers like Peter Schiff, Karl Denninger, and Nicholas Nassim Taleb for crying wolf too many times. In response to a viral video from Santelli on zerohedge about Yellen admitting “Cash Is Not A Store Of Value”, a… Continue reading Peter Schiff and other Doom and Gloomers Losing Credibility