Salvation Through IQ

Americans but especially millennials are eschewing the traditional religions for a new ‘religion’ that celebrates not deities, sacred scriptures, or saints – but intellect, wealth, authenticity, and individualism. While idolatry is not a new concept, what makes this trend different is that unlike the young adults of of earlier generations who fawned over the ‘mainstream’… Continue reading Salvation Through IQ

Being A Liberal…

…means pretending to be ‘pro-science’, yet being offended by the science that shows IQ is important and congenital. …means being offended by the economic reality that maybe some people, by virtue of their intelligence, contribute more to the economy than others and are hence more ‘valuable’. …means believing that wasteful government spending can reverse problems… Continue reading Being A Liberal…

The Healthcare Scam

Vertex’s Cystic-Fibrosis Drug Faces Big Test Vertex, based in Boston, Mass., already has a hit cystic-fibrosis drug in Kalydeco, which has a wholesale annual per-patient price of $311,000 in the U.S., and had $464 million in global sales last year. But Kalydeco treats a relatively rare type of cystic fibrosis, with a market of only… Continue reading The Healthcare Scam

Why There Probably Won’t Be Another Major Financial Crisis in America

TWith Banks ‘Still Too Big to Fail,’ Another Financial Meltdown Looms Yaawn been reading these doom and gloom predictions since 2009 Although the doom & gloom media makes it seem like financial crisis are a common occurrence, there have only been two major crisis (1929 & 2008) in the United Sates over the past 100… Continue reading Why There Probably Won’t Be Another Major Financial Crisis in America

Steven Levitt is Right, Not All Life is Sacred

From the Freakanomics Blog, This Idea Must Die … So it’s an area, it’s a dimension in which we have a lot of power. We’re good at it, but the problem with this idea that every last life is valuable and every life should be saved, essentially at any cost, is that the kind of… Continue reading Steven Levitt is Right, Not All Life is Sacred