From one ‘current thing’ to the next

I think the ‘liberal media’ vs ‘conservative media’ dichotomy is incomplete or lacking. Sure, it’s a more accurate heuristic than not, and explains how CNN and Fox differ in coverage of major events, such as Covid or the 2020 Black Lives Matters protests, which fell along predictable party lines. CNN tended to downplay the protests… Continue reading From one ‘current thing’ to the next

The daily view: 1/12/2023

1. META stock is surging like I said it would, now at $137. It’s going back to $350 soon, maybe in a few years. Four months ago the experts had written it off, and then it suddenly surged from $90 to almost $140 like nothing. The gains will hold. META makes so much money from… Continue reading The daily view: 1/12/2023

Fears of job loss due to AI are probably overblown

Without fail pundits are trotting out their proclamations about how AI will make {fill in the blank} job obsolete. This year it’s OpenAI. Last year it was DALLĀ·E that was supposed to make artists obsolete. Even as far back as a decade ago, AI was predicted to make lawyers obsolete, among other professions: Armies of… Continue reading Fears of job loss due to AI are probably overblown

Little surprise that gen-Z is avoiding low-skilled jobs, the trades

Saw this going viral a few days ago America needs carpenters and plumbers. Gen Z doesn’t seem interested Gen-z is smart enough to know where the money is at. Either it’s on social media (which offers a small chance to earn a ton, such as Instagram reels) or with white-collar jobs (which offers consistent, large… Continue reading Little surprise that gen-Z is avoiding low-skilled jobs, the trades

Revising some predictions, belated 2023 predictions

Belated 2023 predictions: Prediction 1: Turkish stock market and ETF (ticker symbol: TUR) will crash in 2023. So will the Turkish lira (USDTRY). I forgot to add this in my original post. Turkey has the same problems that have plagued it from 2013-2021, such as brain drain, low IQs, lack of foreign investment, hyperinflation, incompetent… Continue reading Revising some predictions, belated 2023 predictions

How victimization and cheap political point-scoring hurt the right

Richard Hanania wrote a good post about how the Right, since 2020, has succumbed to the same sort of victimization-culture and pearl clutching as seen on the Left. Neither side is immune to being easily offended. It’s just that the left gets offended by different things compared to the right. He writes: Moreover, talking about… Continue reading How victimization and cheap political point-scoring hurt the right

Trading Bitcoin for Fun and Profit: My Method, and Insight into Renaissance Technologies

For the past few months been making good money trading Bitcoin. What I do is I short Bitcoin on Sundays (using Coinbase, Deribit, and other brokers) and weekdays. After the stock market opens, at 6:30 AM PST (although I may do it 15-30 minutes before the open), I short Bitcoin and or Ethereum while also… Continue reading Trading Bitcoin for Fun and Profit: My Method, and Insight into Renaissance Technologies