Richard Hanania: Weight Loss, Free Will, and Choice

From Richard Hanania: Fat Shaming and Free Will: How to think about the concept of “choice”. It’s inconsistent how people who are otherwise empirically-minded in so far as IQ, the futility of pre-k (and other costly education intervention), or crime stats are concerned, but cannot bring themselves to accepting the data that most dieters fail… Continue reading Richard Hanania: Weight Loss, Free Will, and Choice

The Daily View: Bitcoin crash cont., McDonald’s stock surge, Elon lawsuit, the SATs

1st item: Bitcoin continues to crash like I said it would yesterday, getting ready to break $28k on its way back below $20k soon despite the Nasdaq holding strong at 13,000. This week my BTC method has been among the most profitable ever. I will show the spreadsheet soon of the backtested results to demonstrate… Continue reading The Daily View: Bitcoin crash cont., McDonald’s stock surge, Elon lawsuit, the SATs

The Future is Meta , Alphabet and Advertising–not GPT, Open AI, or Crypto/Blockchain

Meta keeps going up, now at $220, on its way back to $370 (disclose: author and subsidiary owns FBL, an ETF that offers 1.5x leveraged exposure to Meta). Here is the chart from earlier, from the post on March 1st, 2023, Update: Meta stock keeps going up, $350 soon, at $177: And the chart now:… Continue reading The Future is Meta , Alphabet and Advertising–not GPT, Open AI, or Crypto/Blockchain

Abortion Does Not Hurt DeSantis, and Why DeSantis is the Perfect GOP Frontrunner

Richard Hanania argues that DeSantis’ abortion ban hurts his prospects for a general election: With Ron DeSantis about to sign a six-week abortion ban and sink his chances of winning a general election, it’s useful to think a bit about why this issue has been such a loser for Republicans. The degree to which this… Continue reading Abortion Does Not Hurt DeSantis, and Why DeSantis is the Perfect GOP Frontrunner

The Statute of Limitations– a commonly misunderstood concept

The statue of limitations is one of the most commonly confused or misunderstood legal concepts, especially online. The reasoning is as follows, “If someone is not convicted of a crime in x-number of years, which is the statute of limitations, they will have gotten away with it.” We’re assuming crimes which have limitations, unlike murder,… Continue reading The Statute of Limitations– a commonly misunderstood concept

AI, Consciousness, and Audience Capture

From Freddie deBoer The Almond Butter Test: Consciousness is the product of 4 billion years of evolution, which is one of the most powerful forces in the known universe. Consciousness is literally embodied, found in organic beings, carbon forms that maintain homeostasis. We assume consciousness is the product of the brain, but we don’t really… Continue reading AI, Consciousness, and Audience Capture