Taleb Loses Debate, Blames His Opponent

Nassim Taleb Debated Larry Summers Last Week, And He Is NOT Happy With How Summers Behaved derr risks..derr risks..derr didn’t know derr risk..derrr..derrr ROFL cry me a river. Did the liberal Nicolas Nassim Taleb lose his temper once again, in addition to his debate with the redoubtable Larry Summers? Is that why he’s always mad,… Continue reading Taleb Loses Debate, Blames His Opponent

Extraversion and IQ

In response to Steve Hsu’s article Life impacts of personality and intelligence, Lion responds: The evidence here is that unless people with top 1% math ability can use that to get a prestigious degree which can then enable them to get hired into a prestigious career track, they won’t make much more money than any… Continue reading Extraversion and IQ

An Indebted Generation

From the WSJ: Congratulations to Class of 2014, Most Indebted Ever As we wrote yeterday, although a college degree is an important factor for lifetime success, not everyone is suited for higher education. Misguided policy by well-intentioned individuals has encumbered millions of low-aptitude students with debt and little hope of graduating. The problem developing is… Continue reading An Indebted Generation

The Smartist Era

IQ, race/HBD (human bio-diversity), economics, and education. These ‘four horsemen’ are indispensable, inseparable, inescapable and are more relevant than ever in the 21st century. For example, trying to fix education boils down to understanding that the IQ gap between individuals or different groups is a possible contributing factor to the achievement gap. Education ties in… Continue reading The Smartist Era

Some Thoughts on IQ and Eugenics

As quoted by Marginal Revolution poster, So Much for Subtlety: But that is the difference between the old fashioned British-origin American Establishment and its Radical heirs. The Old School believed in their own values, especially things like academic freedom and the importance of public debate. Which is why they did nothing to stop the Hard… Continue reading Some Thoughts on IQ and Eugenics

The Liberal War on Experts

The dow is at another record high -a bull market of over five years with no signs of slowing. This would make it the second longest bull market ever, behind only the 1991-1998 one. We’ve been bullish every day of this bull market and we see no reason to change our position. In fact, present… Continue reading The Liberal War on Experts