We call the events of 2008 a ‘financial problem’ instead of a ‘crisis’, because it didn’t become a crisis until the liberal media such has the NYT called it one. It was a banking problem contained to some institutions that became a global crisis by the media’s own doing to get Obama elected. 1. Healthcare,… Continue reading 13 Ways the Economy is Getting Better
Category: Uncategorized
Immigration and The GOP Does Not Need to Reform
Taki and Marginal Revolution recently posted articles about immigration. Predictably, they hold diametrically opposing views: Alex supports open borders and Steve opposes, with no equivocation. We take a middle ground, supporting high tech immigration to make U.S. companies more competitive and cutting entitlement spending to encourage Americans to work, thus eliminating the most or all… Continue reading Immigration and The GOP Does Not Need to Reform
Low Congressional Ratings, A Bullish Indicator
Today’s good news: Confidence in Congress drops to seven percent, an all-time low. Let’s give a round of applause to the do-nothing congress for not doing too much. As we wrote before, gridlock and low congressional approval ratings are bullish for stocks and the economy. High approval tends to portend to poor returns. In the… Continue reading Low Congressional Ratings, A Bullish Indicator
The Daily View: Wealth Creation and Inequality
Today’s good news: Obama’s approval rating keeps falling. This is good for stocks. More good news: Oil prices are surging, benefiting the energy sector and increasing overall consumer spending through the resulting inflation. The world is awash with so much liquidity as long term yields for major developed countries are at record lows: In this… Continue reading The Daily View: Wealth Creation and Inequality
College Bashing…Just Another Outlet for Liberalism
A broken clock: MARK CUBAN: ‘The Student Loan Bubble Is Going To Burst’ In a clip on Inc.com, Cuban talks about the student loan bubble, which he says will burst and end badly for colleges. The end of the student loan bubble, Cuban says, will be like the housing bubble, where tuition collapses the way… Continue reading College Bashing…Just Another Outlet for Liberalism
Authenticity and Masculinity in the New Era
In today’s super-competitive economy and meritocracy, the value of an individual to society is measured by his or her income/wealth, educational attainment, professional contributions, online karma points, expert status and IQ/SAT scores. To have a lot of Karma means your contributions and opinions are valued by others; therefore, in the court of online public option,… Continue reading Authenticity and Masculinity in the New Era
Thanking the Fed for Doing a Good Job
Stocks surge as the fed continues to taper. There a few things to take note: interest rates will remain at zero for a long time, we’re still in a Goldilocks economy of steady growth and low inflation, fed policy has been a resounding success at creating wealth, and the taper doom and gloomers were 100%… Continue reading Thanking the Fed for Doing a Good Job
The Daily View: Economic Data and Wages
Today’s good news: The Economy May Be improving. Worker Pay Isn’t. Better get that computer science, physics, math or econ degree. Those are the people making the $$ in this recovery. Smart people rule the world. As shown above, real wages tend to rise during crisis such as the banking problem in 2008 & 2009… Continue reading The Daily View: Economic Data and Wages
Stocks Rise, Ignoring Iraq Tensons
Stocks keep going up as Wall St., predictably, ignores tensions in Iraq. Seeing some potentially good news for the economy and stock market: oil and gas prices are surging, tensions are rising in the Middle East, and Obama’s polls are falling to new lows. The former is probably contributing to the later because voters will… Continue reading Stocks Rise, Ignoring Iraq Tensons
Immigration, Millennials, and the Smartist Era
In response to a post supporting more high-tech immgration, Derb replies: Nobody “deserves” admission to anyone else’s country. Immigration has nothing to do with morality. It is the business of deciding whether we need any more people; and if so, from where, with what characteristics, taking into account all social and cultural factors, not merely… Continue reading Immigration, Millennials, and the Smartist Era