Smart People On Reddit Giving Police Benefit of Doubt

Reddit, to their credit, is showing their support for the police, as shown by up-voting 10,000 times this imgur post about how, contrary to liberal belief, police stop blacks not out of racial prejudice but because genuine infractions were made, and that the proper course of action is to not become combative and assume racial… Continue reading Smart People On Reddit Giving Police Benefit of Doubt

In Defense of MGTOW

A video by Aaron critical of MGTOW I agree with 90% of what Aaron writes, including his views on STEM, free market capitalism, feminism, SJWs, religion, etc – but disagree with his opinions on MGTOW, about how he says the stock market is a bubble inflated by QE, and about the fed. But 90% is… Continue reading In Defense of MGTOW

8-Year-Old Girl Makes $127,000 a Month

This 8-Year-Old Girl Makes $127,000 a Month Baking Sweets on YouTube lol, bu..bu..but..isn’t America supposed to be in decline, says the left? How is this possible when, according to the left, the only capitalism that exists is crony capitalism? And the America Dream is dead, too, according to liberals, because rich people killed it. I… Continue reading 8-Year-Old Girl Makes $127,000 a Month


Business professionals occasionally gripe that college graduates are unable to write correctly. According to the article, a contributing factor is that many college professors often don’t edit papers for grammatical accuracy, only reading to make sure the student grasps the concept and meets the requirements, and grading accordingly. Many faculty members are content merely to… Continue reading Grammar

Why Bay Area/Silicon Valley Real Estate Keeps Going Up

Atherton has the highest median property value of any region in America, with Menlo Park and Palo Alto not far behind. The entire Bay Area real estate market has been white-hot since 2012, coinciding with the huge public offerings of Facebook and Twitter and the 40+ percent gains in the S&P 500, and shows no… Continue reading Why Bay Area/Silicon Valley Real Estate Keeps Going Up

Daredevil Stories

I am dubbing a new phrase, Daredevil Stories, to describe stories of people who apparently have a disability but somehow not only overcome the disability – but become substantially better than average. The name comes from a comic book in which the superhero Daredevil is blind but has better perception than sighted people. Normally, blind… Continue reading Daredevil Stories

Awstats is Awful

Believe it or not, I never checked the traffic of this site until only a few weeks ago. My plan to was write as much and needed and not check the stats after I had finished most of it, which is where it’s at now. Upon first glance, the traffic looks good, at 5000 uniques… Continue reading Awstats is Awful

The Fed May Never Raise Interest Rates Again

The fed may never raise rates again: Horwitz: ‘The Fed may never raise rates again’ I hope he’s right. The bad jobs number last week increases the odds rates will remain low, and the fed has no pressing reason to raise rates, anyway. The bond market isn’t signaling inflation and neither is the economic data.… Continue reading The Fed May Never Raise Interest Rates Again

Reddit Exposes Racial Hypocrisy

It’s no surprise the left, in their war on success and achievement, is deferential to low-achieving minorities while at the same time depreciative of high-achieving minorities such as Indians and Asians. At CalTech, with probably the highest entrance standards in the US, and no affirmative action: Asians 40%, whites 29%, Hispanics 10%, and blacks 1.7%.… Continue reading Reddit Exposes Racial Hypocrisy

Foreigners Keep Buying US Debt – And it Makes the Left Mad

The left whines about foreigners buying US debt, refusing to buy into the ‘we are doomed’ leftist delusions. But the question is, where else should foreigners put their money? Since 2011 the US dollar, the US stock market, and treasury bonds have outperformed their respective global peers. Since 2011, The dollar is up 30-100% against… Continue reading Foreigners Keep Buying US Debt – And it Makes the Left Mad