The Rotting Foundation That Is Democracy

Many on the right attack individual symptoms, problems (feminism, crime, growing entitlement spending) without addressing the underlying disease: democracy and the liberal state. The solution lends itself to NRx, which rejects the post-WW2 ideal of democracy and social liberalism, as quoted by Amerika’s NRx guide: But as Evola observed, all of us in the post-war… Continue reading The Rotting Foundation That Is Democracy

STEM, Immigration, H-1B Visas, and Wages

There is no diversity crisis in tech: Repeat after me: there is no “diversity crisis” in Silicon Valley. None. In fact, there is no crisis at all in Silicon Valley. Silicon Valley is doing absolutely gangbusters. Apple has $200 billion in cash reserves and equivalents — and a market valuation of about $630 billion. Amazing.… Continue reading STEM, Immigration, H-1B Visas, and Wages

Pop Psychology Charlatans

How to act less stupid, according to psychologists “The stupidest thing someone can do is overestimate themselves,” he said. “What that tells us is that you don’t have to have a low IQ, in people’s eyes, to act stupidly. You just have to misperceive your abilities.” In other words poseurs, who overestimate their abilities, come… Continue reading Pop Psychology Charlatans

America the Intellectual Capital of the World, or Why Smart People Deserve More

With the Nobel Prize nominations in the news, the alleged ‘dumbing down’ of America is mostly anecdotal, like an old wives’ tale regurgitated by liberal pundits until many hold it to be truth. For example, America leads the world in Nobel Prize laureates, and this is most evident in the high-IQ science categories: The United… Continue reading America the Intellectual Capital of the World, or Why Smart People Deserve More

Economics Myths, Part 8: The Chinese Data is Fake

If you pay attention to the financial media inevitably you’ll come across unsubstantiated musings disguised as rigorous analysis about China’s economy being ‘fake’. But the funny thing is, you never hear similar stories about Brazil’s economy being fake, or about Turkey or Russia’s economy being fake, but China is a favorite target by the doom… Continue reading Economics Myths, Part 8: The Chinese Data is Fake

The Rise of STEM: Wealth and Intellectualism Über Alles

Abstract mathematics, theoretical physics, computer science, and quantitative finance, all of which compose the constellation called ‘STEM’- is cachet of ‘nobility’ in the post-2008 economy, the new ‘cool’ among millions of millennials who aspire for prestigious careers that involve wealth or intellectual recognition, preferably both, as embodied by the likes of Musk, Thiel, and Zuck.… Continue reading The Rise of STEM: Wealth and Intellectualism Über Alles

2060 IQ Projections

Interesting new study: Future Cognitive Ability: US IQ Prediction until 2060 Based on NAEP From the abstract: …US Census Bureau, cognitive trends until 2060 for the entire age cohort and ethnic groups were estimated. Estimated population averages for 2060 are 103 (optimistic) or 102 (pessimistic). The average rise per decade is dec = 0.76 or… Continue reading 2060 IQ Projections

IQ Tests Are Not Culturally Biased

Although the left believes IQ tests culturally biased, the evidence according to Arthur Jensen in his book Bias in Mental Testing suggests otherwise: …The book presents several arguments that IQ tests are not biased. African Americans’ lower average performance on IQ tests cannot be because of differences in vocabulary, because African Americans have slightly better… Continue reading IQ Tests Are Not Culturally Biased

Economics Myths, Part 7: The Baltic Dry Index is a Reliable Economic Indicator

Doom and gloomers on Zerohedge and elsewhere frequently cite the falling Baltic Dry Index (BDI) as evidence the economy is weak, apparently oblivious to how the BDI works or its poor correlation with overall economic health. From Wikipedia: The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) is an economic indicator issued daily by the London-based Baltic Exchange. Not… Continue reading Economics Myths, Part 7: The Baltic Dry Index is a Reliable Economic Indicator