From Josh Brown Whats Poppin. If his economic analysis is indicative of his ability to manage money, it is a miracle he has any clients left. This is the same guy who said Renaissance Technologies lost 20% in 2020 (when it actually didn’t). In October 2019, Josh also predicted that the Trump tariffs would hurt… Continue reading Emerging Markets Are Still Terrible
Month: July 2020
Molyneux now cancelled from Twitter
Stefan Molyneux has now been banned from Twitter less than a week after being banned from YouTube. Twitter’s official explanation, of course, is a lie: Twitter appears to dispute the notion that he was removed for ideological reasons. In a statement provided to CNN, the company said that Molyneux “was suspended for spam and platform… Continue reading Molyneux now cancelled from Twitter
Eric Weinstein interviews Tyler Cowen, and the ‘Feminization of Society’
Tyler blames the ‘feminization of society’ for economic stagnation and aversion to risk taking, which is a surprisingly ‘based’ take by the otherwise anodyne professor. Tyler tends to equivocate a lot or take opposing/contradictory views on the same issue, so it is hard to peg down what he believes. He appears to blame the feminization… Continue reading Eric Weinstein interviews Tyler Cowen, and the ‘Feminization of Society’
Taleb stands with ‘cancel culture’
I know this is sort beating a dead horse, but Nassim Tooleb beyond any shadow of a doubt has revealed himself to be an SJW (at at the very least , sympathetic to them): Comment by this Molyneux fan is what makes one not too sorry about the canceling. I've had tons from his customer… Continue reading Taleb stands with ‘cancel culture’
Blame low IQs for unemployment and low wages
Saw this article going viral Why Do We Pay So Many People So Little Money? The authors of the report, Martha Ross and Nicole Bateman, both of the Brookings Metropolitan Policy Program, calculated that “more than 53 million people — 44 percent of all workers aged 18-64 — are low-wage workers by our criteria. They… Continue reading Blame low IQs for unemployment and low wages
No, Renaissance Technologies Did Not Lose 20%
From The Reformed Broker: If you’re not willing to accept being down, you’ll never have the chance to be up. There’s no strategy, formula, tactic, research service or insight that can make it otherwise. Renaissance Technologies is getting its ass kicked this year. Double-digit losses. No firm or fund has ever made more money or… Continue reading No, Renaissance Technologies Did Not Lose 20%
The Biggest Winners and Losers
It occurred to me that the biggest winners of the past 5 months, during the duration of Covid and then later the BLM protests and riots, are high-income/wealthy people who have moderate/centrist views and high social status, and are insulated from the disruption and unrest. Guys like Tim Pool and Joe Rogan, but also Jeff… Continue reading The Biggest Winners and Losers