How much should a philosopher be blamed for the consequences of his beliefs

Marxist Origins of Communism, I Communism is, he explains, “the positive transcendence of private property, or human self-estrangement, and therefore the real appropriation of the human essence by and for man… the complete return of man to himself as a social being…” (Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844) Innumerable social thinkers disagree with much of… Continue reading How much should a philosopher be blamed for the consequences of his beliefs

Overton Bubble

The Overton Bubble If two factions won’t talk, war is inevitable. If the elite mainstream won’t open to dialogue and understanding with the outside, and the outside doesn’t make good-faith attempts to engage with the intellectual mainstream, the intellectual-political landscape will divide, and we will get civil war. The conclusion of Warg’s article may not… Continue reading Overton Bubble