Immigration, Millennials, and the Smartist Era

In response to a post supporting more high-tech immgration, Derb replies: Nobody “deserves” admission to anyone else’s country. Immigration has nothing to do with morality. It is the business of deciding whether we need any more people; and if so, from where, with what characteristics, taking into account all social and cultural factors, not merely… Continue reading Immigration, Millennials, and the Smartist Era

Some Much Needed Perspective in the Student Loan Debate

It’s a common misconception by some conservatives that only liberals are pro-college. The reality seems to be the opposite. Liberals such as Elizabeth Warren are leading the charge against higher education, laying blame on the overpaid faculty, the student loan lenders, and the colleges for failing to guarantee good job prospects for students. While the… Continue reading Some Much Needed Perspective in the Student Loan Debate

David Brat Sell-Off Day 2

Day two of the David Brat sell-off as the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls over 100 points in addition to the selling esterday. CNBC’s Jim Cramer: Cantor’s Exit Brings Back Fear of Washington Much more important than immigration reform, David Brat being the house majority leader may imperil future debt ceiling negations. This probably the… Continue reading David Brat Sell-Off Day 2

Did David Brat Cause the Market to Fall Today?

From the WSJ: Eric Cantor Defeat Imperils Prospects for Immigration Overhaul : Mr. Cantor’s defeat is likely to be seen as confirmation immigration politics are too dicey for this election year and may spook rank-and-file members who advocates have been pressing for support. In response to a questionnaire from the Richmond Times-Dispatch, David Brat wrote:… Continue reading Did David Brat Cause the Market to Fall Today?

Planned Obsolescence

I support the free market because it makes my stocks and real estate go up, but it makes too many utopian assumptions – specifically how competition is supposed to lead to better products. Maybe better in terms of new features and more advanced technology, but not reliability or perceived speed. Wirth’s Law, a computing adage… Continue reading Planned Obsolescence

IQ and Writing

It’s almost a truism that people who dismiss IQ tend to sound really stupid, or at the very least, intellectually dishonest in the process. To the left, IQ is either meaningless or redefined to only measure the skills that they deem to be important, while other more concrete skills such as memorization or learning ability… Continue reading IQ and Writing