I have a 6th sense. Out of a list of hundreds of articles, I can tell you, with great accuracy, which ones will go viral. It comes from years of experience blogging and posting on websites. Many people have no clue what other people want to read. The quadrantsphere (education, race, economics and IQ) has… Continue reading The Daily View: Abortion Debate, Economic Recovery, Political Dysfunction, American Exceptionalism
The Abortion Plan
Surprised the HBD blogosphere has not picked up on this Richard Dawkins’ Abortion Comment Sparks ‘Feeding Frenzy’ On Social Media Liberals are attacking Richard Dawkins for merely stating what many already already know to be true: people with Down’s Syndrome (or any profound disability) are a drain on society, and perhaps the most moral and… Continue reading The Abortion Plan
Everything is Awesome
As a member of the ‘neo reactionary right’, being an economic optimist makes me something of an oddity among a group of people that are already pretty odd to begin with. Physics, bay Area Real estate, and web 2.0 will catapult America ahead of the rest of the world in the 21st century, as if… Continue reading Everything is Awesome
Ferguson is Not the Future of America
We need a stronger police presence in Ferguson, with more tear gas and stun grenades. If these hoodlums won’t cooperate, suppress them with overwhelming force. If that means more injuries and some deaths, too bad. The problem is, like the Treyvon Martin death, Obama is taking sides when normally the executive branch never gets involved… Continue reading Ferguson is Not the Future of America
People Agree: Michael Brown Deserved to Die
All over social media, on sites like 4chan, Reddit, Digg and Buzzfeed, many commentators, some of whom are well-educated and don’t meet the profile of the ‘racist republican redneck’, agree that Michael Brown deserved his fate for instigating the situation, endangering the lives of attending police officers, and for having no redeeming value as an… Continue reading People Agree: Michael Brown Deserved to Die
Jim Goad on Millennials
An interesting article by Jim Goad from Taki How to Deal With the Brainwashed It’s weird how this article came a just after my part three in the Smartest Generation series, where I also discuss the millennials, but in a more favorable light. In a series of articles, The Smartest Generation Part 1, 2, &… Continue reading Jim Goad on Millennials
The Smartest Generation, Part 3
After the untimely passing of legendary comedian and actor, Robin Williams, the outpouring of grief could be heard and felt everywhere, with a notable exception: the millenials, many of whom seemed unmoved by his death. From the Beetles to the The Monkees, Ed Sullivan and even Farrah Fawcett, the Baby Boomers grew up idolizing famous… Continue reading The Smartest Generation, Part 3
The Hollowing Out of the Middle as Home Prices Surge in the Bay Area
With the exception of the Ferguson police story and the usual stuff going on in Russia & Ukraine, it’s a pretty uneventful news day. Tech real estate driven mania: San Francisco median rent is $3,200 and typical home now costs $1,000,000: The hollowing out of the middle. This is good and bad news. It’s bad… Continue reading The Hollowing Out of the Middle as Home Prices Surge in the Bay Area
A Possible Market Inneficiency Today
From the context of market efficiency, how do you explain the delayed market reaction to today’s (8/15/2014) breaking news about the Ukrainian troops attacking the Russian military convoy: As indicated by the yellow oval, the ES mini (S&P 500 futures) only fell 2 points within the first minute after the story broke at 9:40 and… Continue reading A Possible Market Inneficiency Today
Sorry Liberals, But for High-Paying Jobs, Talent Does Play an Important Role in the Hiring Process
From Lion: iq and- getting ahead he writes: whereas in 2014 college graduates are likely to only find work at crappy service jobs unless they have connections (usually from family but extroverted college grads often find their own connections) or they graduated from the most elite colleges (and even then, connections are important). Lion believes… Continue reading Sorry Liberals, But for High-Paying Jobs, Talent Does Play an Important Role in the Hiring Process