Like the split in the republican party between the pragmatic right and the Christian right, there is a schism in the ‘manosphere’ between the MGTOW and The Red Pill/PUA. MGTOW Tend to be younger Aren’t really interested in hooking up No ‘game’ Want to be single Libertarian-leaning Indoor activities such as video games and surfing… Continue reading MGTOW vs. The Red Pill/PUA
Irreconcilable Differences (Pragmatic Right vs. Paleo Right)
Pragmatic Right Strongly individualistic Some central planning (e.g.,eugenics, basic income) More high-tech immigration Supply-side economics Proactive interventionism Optimistic about science and technology Agnostic Supports civil unions or indifferent on the issue of gay marriage Belief in biological determinism Related ideologies: neoliberalism, objectivism, minarchism, utilitarianism, neoconservatism, transhumanism, third way, classical liberalism Paleo Right Pro-Family, Pro-Community Minimal… Continue reading Irreconcilable Differences (Pragmatic Right vs. Paleo Right)
Our High-IQ Aristocracy
From Scott’s blog TALENTS PART 2: ATTITUDE VS. ALTITUDE Likewise, if we can just apply the same common reasoning we use for normal everyday activities like basketball to the question of intelligence, we might find it’s not so complicated and scary after all. Here’s why the basketball example doesn’t give peace of mind to those… Continue reading Our High-IQ Aristocracy
Reddit Stands Up For Men’s Rights
In standing up for men’s rights, Reddit users are eviscerating a PSA that implies men are instinctively abusive towards women. I didn’t just cherry pick comments, the overwhelming majority express sentiments similar to the aforementioned examples. This backlash, along with the backlash against ‘check your privilege, is further evidence the SJWs are losing and why… Continue reading Reddit Stands Up For Men’s Rights
So, What Are You?
I’m like a partial libertarian. I’m libertarian on market issues, neocon on fed and fiscal policy, and right of center on social and foreign policy issues. I also consider myself to be a utilitarian pragmatist, meaning I believe in policy that maximizes the creation of wealth, which is why I’m both a supporter fed (and… Continue reading So, What Are You?
Self-Actualization and Indirect Value
You know you’re in the slow news zone when the biggest story is about deflated footballs. 2015, like 2014, promisses to be another soporific year, with lots of of contrived outrage over things that aren’t that big of a deal. I long for a return of the IQ wars, like we saw in 2013. I… Continue reading Self-Actualization and Indirect Value
Andrew Sullivan Retires From Blogging
In response to Andrew Sullivan’s retirement from blogging, a poster on iSteve writes: Not sure how I feel about this. Sullivan is easily amongst the sanest liberal bloggers/pundits (a couple months ago he marked the 20th anniversary of The Bell Curve by re-endorsing the idea of racial differences in IQ, then doubled down when denounced… Continue reading Andrew Sullivan Retires From Blogging
Was The Last Decade Really So Bad?
Wow, That Was a Horrible Decade Was it really that terrible? Let’s look at the positives: America solidified its position as a global economic and military superpower, with China in second place. We saw the rise of web 2.0, Google, Apple, Uber, Tesla, and Snapchat. Combined, these companies are worth over $1.5 trillion. As part… Continue reading Was The Last Decade Really So Bad?
Eugenics Plan, Part 2
In an earlier article, The Abortion Plan, I discussed how abortion can be justified from a utilitarianism/pragmatist perspective, without necessarily turning it into a left/right issue. From comments, this issue came up again. “parents who get abortions are parents who can’t afford children, so it’s saving them from a bad life” or the Freakonomics… Continue reading Eugenics Plan, Part 2
No Recession In Technology As Apple Reports Blowout Earnigns
With over 74 million iphones sold in a single quarter, Apple reports it’s biggest earnings ever, proving once and for all that there is no recession or crisis in large cap technology. The people who are buying iPhones, uploading pictures to Facebook, tweeting, and take selfies with Snapchat are not only creating economic value, but… Continue reading No Recession In Technology As Apple Reports Blowout Earnigns