Vox Day, who looks like Bill Hicks, who looks like Alex Jones, who looks like Christopher Hitches, who looks like Brad Delong, is the author of The Irrational Atheist. I don’t really know what I am (atheist, deist, agnostic, etc), nor do I wish to go by a simple label, but I believe in rationality… Continue reading The Rational Something
Creating Optimal Socioeconomic Environments for the Cognitively Exceptional
Although this blog has a republican/libertarian bent, the government should play a ‘nurture’ role for those with demonstrable cognitive superiority, as determined by an IQ test, by creating optimal economic environments to allow these exceptional individuals to live to their fullest cognitive potential, as Steve Hsu and Charles Murray agree: How assiduously does our federal… Continue reading Creating Optimal Socioeconomic Environments for the Cognitively Exceptional
Liberalism and the Perfectibility of Man
Christianity could be inherently liberal – the idea of the perfectibility, malleability, and salvation of man through deeds and other extrinsic virtues, versus salvation through intrinsic factors such as IQ. Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s writings inspired the French Revolution and is the genesis of modern liberalism. From Wikipedia: Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among… Continue reading Liberalism and the Perfectibility of Man
What Should Neo Reaction Believe In?
IMHO, neo reaction – unlike a political party – is less about engendering action, but more about the acknowledgement and description of reality, as conveyed through articles, blogs, videos, and books. It’s like a think tank, providing resources that politicians, thinkers and business leaders can draw inspiration and information from, without actually getting involved in… Continue reading What Should Neo Reaction Believe In?
So much for that 10,000 hour rule
The 10,000 hour ‘rule’ has been so thoroughly discredited that to discuss it further is beating a dead horse, but I can’t resist. Andy Weir’s debut novel, The Martian, was an overnight success, surpassing seasoned authors who have decades of writing experience. Sure he did some writing in the past on his personal blog, but… Continue reading So much for that 10,000 hour rule
Things that I am sick of people complaining about
1. The market being manipulated/bubble. There was hardly a peep by the left about conspiracies when the markets crashed in 2007-09, but now the liberals on Zerohedge and Market Ticker are going on about shadow banking, dark pools, and other plots to make investors rich. Nevermind fundamentals such as blowout profits and earnings, blowout consumer… Continue reading Things that I am sick of people complaining about
Economic Fallacies
You thought you could bet against the fed, the US consumer, the best and the brightest, the meritocracy and high-IQ and not be turned into roadkill? You thought the incantations of doom and gloom from Zerohedge and Karl Denninger would supersede economic reality, HBD, and American exceptionalism? Oh how mistaken you were. For as far… Continue reading Economic Fallacies
Nazism = Marxism?
Hitler and the socialist dream Of course, there are many similarities between Stalinism (along with Maoism and other Marxist/Leninist variants) and Nazism: unwavering fealty by the citizenry to the apparatus of power, extensive central planning, ‘ends justifying the means’ taken to an extreme, and grave punishment exacted on those either deemed unworthy or disloyal to… Continue reading Nazism = Marxism?
The Daily View: Post Scarcity, Divine Rights, Doom and Gloom, The Two Tenets of Leftism
From Lion’s Blog: Scarce goods in a post-scarcity economy The belief that ‘post scarcity’ will make all goods cheap and abundant is fanciful thinking. While it’s true that the price of some goods relative to income (electricity, food, appliances, computers, television) have fallen, other goods and services have not such as cable TV, internet access,… Continue reading The Daily View: Post Scarcity, Divine Rights, Doom and Gloom, The Two Tenets of Leftism
Blacks Being Underrepresented
From Scott’s blog Black People Less Likely One must tread carefully when discussing matters pertaining to race. Emotions often run strong, and people tend to take arguments personally even if the subject matter has nothing to do with their personal lives. Inevitably the question that arises is why blacks are underrepresented in science fields, and… Continue reading Blacks Being Underrepresented