“Balloongate” is not the start of another Cold War

An errant Chinese high-altitude balloon wandered into US airspace and was shot down a couple days ago. The internet, especially Twitter, is collectively losing its mind over this. The right-wing punditry, predicably, is calling this a precursor to war. Somehow Biden is enabling China in regard to this balloon, yet just four months ago, in… Continue reading “Balloongate” is not the start of another Cold War

Right again about Russia-Ukraine

I saw this going viral pic.twitter.com/iYSoDtVgg8 — Ruth Baader-Meinhof (@VenturCommunist) February 2, 2023 This is exactly what I predicted would happen a year ago, right after the conflict broke out. All the esteemed experts were predicting either a full-on world war, nuclear war, escalation (other countries getting involved but short of a world war), or… Continue reading Right again about Russia-Ukraine

Memo to media: stop citing numbers without indexing them

I saw this article from QZ.com: Big Pharma spent an additional $9.8 billion on marketing in the past 20 years. It worked In 1997, drug companies spent roughly $17.1 billion on marketing for prescription drugs and any health conditions that may be associated with them. (A relatively paltry $600 million was spent to market condition… Continue reading Memo to media: stop citing numbers without indexing them

The ‘rational consumer’ explanation for obesity

My second explanation for the obesity epidemic, especially in the US, is the ‘rational consumer’ hypothesis. The idea is people are voluntarily making a choice to overeat, fully aware of the consequences and weighing the pros and cons, similar to people who continue to smoke despite the warning labels. There are no shortage of articles… Continue reading The ‘rational consumer’ explanation for obesity

The student loan debt problem will continue until the alternatives improve

The biggest problem with the college tuition debate is that it does not sufficiently address the root of the problem. My argument has always been that the student loan debt ‘problem’ won’t be fixed until either the alternatives to college improve–and or–the returns to college worsen. But I don’t see any hope of either of… Continue reading The student loan debt problem will continue until the alternatives improve

Shrinkflation: Why Have Trucks Bucked this Trend?

Shrinkflation is an interesting topic because it combines two seemingly contradictory things: inflation and shrinkage. Once related to the heterodox fringe, it is now mainstream, and there is even a Wikipedia page about it: Shrinkflation is a rise in the general price level of goods per unit of weight or volume, brought about by a… Continue reading Shrinkflation: Why Have Trucks Bucked this Trend?

“The media is honest, except when it isn’t”

Richard Hanania’s article Why the Media is Honest and Good went hugely viral. It’s interesting how many comments are praising the article by many of the same people who since 2016 unanimously expressed skepticism or outright antipathy about the ‘liberal media’, such as vaccines or the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story–and rightfully so–but… Continue reading “The media is honest, except when it isn’t”