Not much going on in this glacial news cycle. Just the usual blah blah blah about Iraq and Putin, like ambient noise of the air conditioner. The gloomers like Aaron Clarey say that America will enter a major decline due to too much debt and the usual factors that have already been covered to death,… Continue reading Enjoy the Decline? No thanks
Category: Uncategorized
Out of Wedlock Births: Not Exclusively a Black Problem
If you go on most conservative sites, the decay of the ‘family structure’ in America tends to be presented as a predominantly African American and Hispanic problem, and this is true, but it may come as a surprise to some that outside of America, in predominant white countries, out of wedlock birth and cohabitation has… Continue reading Out of Wedlock Births: Not Exclusively a Black Problem
Today’s Example of Bad Journalism
America’s Poorest Shoppers Are Putting Discount Stores Out Of Business Sensationalism at its worst and yet another example of liberals, such as the author of the article, wanting to see successful businesses fail or the predicting failure of successful business. Same goes for liberals freaking out over Putin – lots of hype for clicks and… Continue reading Today’s Example of Bad Journalism
Verbal Harder Than Math?
Steve Sailor and and Steve Hsu have new posts about education and IQ. Hsu’s post mentions that the infamous Terman IQ Study excluded Nobel laureates Shockley and Alvarez, possibly because highly verbal loaded test hurt their score, causing them to narrowly miss the cut-off. iSteve, referencing an article originally in the New York Times, discusses… Continue reading Verbal Harder Than Math?
High Sharpe Portfolios
I’m taking my own advice to stop reading the news, but unfortunately that means less to blog about. Anyway, last Friday I discussed low volatility “Madoff’ portfolios. One of the most important statistics to keep in mind when constructing a portfolio is the Sharpe Ratio, which measures the risk adjusted return. A low ratio means… Continue reading High Sharpe Portfolios
Most Americans Poorer Than Before Recession
Cannot tell if this is good news or not, but, in 2013 dollars, the wealth of middle class is below where it was before the recession: The Typical Household, Now Worth a Third Less: The inflation-adjusted net worth for the typical household was $87,992 in 2003. Ten years later, it was only $56,335, or a… Continue reading Most Americans Poorer Than Before Recession
Bay Area the Center of the Universe as Home Prices Keep Surging
Robert Shiller says we could be in another hosing bubble, but the Bay Area didn’t get the memo. After a huge 2013, prices are off to the races again for 2014: In the most expensive regions of the Bay Area, such as Palo Alto and Atherton, the gains since 2011 have been so pronounced, by… Continue reading Bay Area the Center of the Universe as Home Prices Keep Surging
Constructing a ‘Madoff’ Portfolio
As a diversion from the usual politics, using a linear combination of ETFs I was able to construct a ‘Madoff-like’ portfolio, without the whole fraud aspect to it. Here’s what it looks like versus the S&P 500: As a rule, I only used liquid, long-only ETFs and no re-balancing. Here’s Madoff’s actual portfolio just before… Continue reading Constructing a ‘Madoff’ Portfolio
The Good News: Washington Is Giving Up on Everything
Washington Is Giving Up on Everything A can’t-do spirit is settling over Congress and President Obama, writes a leading political handicapper. I, for one, applaud the do-nothing congress for not doing too much. Let Wall St. self-regulate. The private sector, with the help of the fed, has created more wealth in the past five years… Continue reading The Good News: Washington Is Giving Up on Everything
The Neoconservative Resurgence
Another great day for stocks as the S&P 500 and Nasdaq make new yearly highs: The biological determinism bull market and economic expansion rages on, with those unfit to participate being swept under the rug. There’s certainly no secular stagnation in tech as Google, Microsoft, Apple, Intuitive Surgical, and Facebook crush earnings yet again. Where’s… Continue reading The Neoconservative Resurgence