All Roads Lead To What We Have Now

From Streetwise Professor: The Last Shriek in the Retreat: Neocons Threaten to Leave the Republican Party Since 2008 or so, neoconservatism has become the whipping boy or black sheep of politics, blamed by liberals and conservatives alike for all sorts of problems – recession & banking crisis, war in Iraq quagmire, the deficit, and much… Continue reading All Roads Lead To What We Have Now

NRx vs. HRx

Been meaning to post this for awhile. HRx Takes Its Exit It speaks volumes that Land, the defacto leader of tech-com, chooses to reside in the autocratic PRC even though he hails Capitalism as saviour, Not sure why some think Land supports ‘tech com’, just because he occasionally links to technology and science articles? He… Continue reading NRx vs. HRx

Explaining America’s Economic and Social Stability

Fred Reed ponders the ‘endgame ‘ for America. Things do not look good. The country is disintegrating. The borders are open, against the will of much of the population. Our universities are in sharp decline, the students a rebellious unschooled rabble portending a peasant future. The economy gutters and standards of living fall. Jobs are… Continue reading Explaining America’s Economic and Social Stability

Abortion and Crime Revisited

The left wishes this weren’t so: Abortion: History’s Greatest Crime Fighting Tool Still not convinced? Don’t worry. There is more. The states with the highest abortion rates in the 1970s saw the greatest decline in crime in the 1990s, while states with low abortion rates experienced smaller crime drops. Furthermore, studies of Canada, Romania, and… Continue reading Abortion and Crime Revisited

In Search of Fulfillment

From raging Twitter debates between oversized personalities, to physics discoveries making headlines, to web 2.0 and tech visionaries being lauded for their genius, to wealth inequality widening to widths never before imagined, to Instagram selfie ‘culture’, more than ever we’re in an era of the celebration of the ‘self’, where individual differences are manifested acutely… Continue reading In Search of Fulfillment

Defending ‘Academic’ Writing

What is wrong with ‘academic’ writing? Academics Stink at Writing – Steven Pinker Why Is Academic Writing So Unpleasant to Read?> Why Is Academic Writing So Academic? Believe it or not, academics actually know how to write, but some of this ‘jargon’ is for brevity. How should a scientist describe the concept of heritability without… Continue reading Defending ‘Academic’ Writing

The Second ‘Great Experiment ‘

The first ‘great experiment’ was secession from Britain. Yeah, some on the on the ‘NRx-sphere’ argue this was ‘bad’, but the data shows that secession succeeded, with the US economy not only surpassing Britain but becoming the biggest in the world, as well as a global military superpower. Fast forward a couple hundred years, the… Continue reading The Second ‘Great Experiment ‘

What Martin Shkreli Says About America

I’ve mentioned Martin Shkreli a couple times here, posting some of his tweets. Martin Shkreli’s popularity is evidence we’re in a ‘smartist era’, where people’s intellectual contributions are more important than their character flaws. The synthesis of wealth and intellectualism is a defining characteristic of post-2008 America, culturally and economically, and few embody this synthesis… Continue reading What Martin Shkreli Says About America