The Jewish Question

A conspiracy would seem to suggest that all Jews are operating under a similar directive. But being over-represented in all areas of society does not imply a conspiracy unless it can be shown that they are all acting under a common goal, yet the fact that Jews not uncommonly take diametrically opposing views on all… Continue reading The Jewish Question

The class structure of America

I have been thinking about the social class structure/hierarchy in America. With the exception of the underclass, it’s not like one category is necessarily worse or ranks higher than another. For example, elites have the most power but the most responsibility and little autonomy. 1. Elites. As the title suggests, these people are at the… Continue reading The class structure of America

The contradictions of pragmatism

From New York Magazine Why the GOP Is Ideologically Lost Nevertheless, the ideological incoherence of the contemporary GOP is unusually severe. The Reaganites could not practice what they preached; post-Trump Republicans can’t settle on a catechism to hypocritically recite. The party has a set of unwavering transactional commitments (to reactionary billionaires, provincial capitalists, and the… Continue reading The contradictions of pragmatism

The Rise of the Professional Class

The trend of elites, but more broadly, the professional-class, pulling away and ahead of the working-class, began in earnest in 2008, after the financial crisis, when the wealth and education gap really exploded (such as the college wage premium, ballooning salaries for tech, finance, medical, legal jobs, etc., surging stock market, etc.). I call this… Continue reading The Rise of the Professional Class