Fish Farm Economies

I’m sure many have read Scott’s famous ‘fish filter’ parable, as an example of a coordination problem and how cooperation is better than individualistic self-interest (as detailed in MEDITATIONS ON MOLOCH and the THE NON-LIBERTARIAN FAQ). The problem is this contrived example fall apart when more realistic conditions are imposed. In real life, there would… Continue reading Fish Farm Economies

Trump and Kim Meeting: Another Correct Prediction

It’s been a huge past few weeks for Trump: 1. Trump’s pardoning of Dinesh D’Souza, who convicted over some trivial matter, has received widespread support among his party. Many agree his conviction was motivated by politics than any serious wrongdoing. 2. Trump granting clemency to Alice Marie Johnson will help the ‘right’ win the black… Continue reading Trump and Kim Meeting: Another Correct Prediction

The High-IQ Homo Economicus

Excellent article by Free Northerner The High-IQ Homo Economicus This is one off those articles that everyone-both the high-IQ right and high-IQ left–can relate to, as an example of a shared narrative and as part of the ‘great debate’ raging online about economics. Although Free Northerner is of the ‘right’ and the article is intended… Continue reading The High-IQ Homo Economicus

The usual suspects are at it again predicting crisis

The usual suspects are at it again predicting crisis: Tariff increases could bring us back to 2008 crisis levels, World Bank warns World Bank: Trade disputes threaten global economic growth World Bank warns trade tensions could cause 2008-level crisis These are the same people who in 2016 predicted recession and crisis if Trump won. Now,… Continue reading The usual suspects are at it again predicting crisis

The college debate, continued

Bryan Caplan’s ‘The Case Against Education’ — A Review Dr. Caplan is not saying that college isn’t worth it–rather, it’s worth it for all the wrong reasons. From Arnold Kling: Student debt and inequality: You can inherit from your parents: genes; social norms (coming from them and also from the peers with which they surround… Continue reading The college debate, continued firing of anti-Trump writers is not a free speech issue

I’m generally a fan of Quillette, but a recent article The RedState Firings and the Decline of Viewpoint Diversity on the Right gets some things wrong. The firing of ten anti-Trump Red State writers and its editor-in-chief, Caleb Howe, is not a free speech or ideological diversity issue, but rather a business one. It’s categorically… Continue reading firing of anti-Trump writers is not a free speech issue

The End of History?

This aticle went viral a few days ago THE CRYSTAL BALL The Official Future Is Dead! Long Live the Official Future! Pundits keep pushing this narrative that society and politics has changed radically under Trump and or that Trump’s win is symbolic of such change; I am of one of maybe eight or so people… Continue reading The End of History?

Wealth, Intellectualism, and Individualism, Part 13

The low/average-IQ people who lost their jobs in the 2007-2009 recession are often the least intellectually capable of being successful on their own. Its not like people of middling intelligence can suddenly become coders, nor can everyone be an Uber driver (and the pay is not that great). This ties in to the post-scarcity/basic income/automation… Continue reading Wealth, Intellectualism, and Individualism, Part 13