What People Fight and Die For

Another link to Spandrell https://bloodyshovel.wordpress.com/2016/12/27/gnon-theology/

The Carthaginians sacrificed their own children. Their first born sons. That was a thing. It happened for a reason. It evolved. It worked for them. Then the Romans conquered them and destroyed that thing; and it didn’t come back. It stopped working. That’s evolution too. That is Gnon’s will.

The Romans destroyed other things too. They destroyed the patriarchal family. They’d rather have fun and be merry. They stopped having children. Roman hedonism was a thing. Then the Germans conquered them. Roman hedonism stopped being a thing. Rome itself stopped being a thing. Gnon brought back the patriarchal family. That one works. You can mess with it. You can destroy it for a while. Even a long while. But it will come back. Gnon will always bring it back.

The Gnon concept seems similar to fatalism or predestination and is post-hoc, meaning that one can’t know until after the fact. Everything happens for a reason. I couldn’t find any information on Google about Rome collapsing due to the demise of patriarchal families. The only thing I found was this: https://heartiste.wordpress.com/2010/12/27/feminism-responsible-for-the-fall-of-rome/

Not sure if Gnon works as a religion, because religion is both prescriptive (such as the 10 Commandments) and descriptive (Book of Genesis), not just descriptive. Religion is deontological, meaning it prescribes a set of moral rules for its adherents, although such rules or motivation may not be grounded in realism.

Gnon saw it and saw it was good; and so that is what men do. A man with an obedient wife and well behaved children is a happy man. A man that will fight to defend it.

Well take that from a man and he will not defend his country. Why would he? Not to say that often it isn’t man that takes it from himself. Many a man would rather not stick by his wife nor care about his children; seeking random women instead. That man, if successful, might be quite happy. Happier than a married man indeed. But he won’t fight for his country. He has no reason to. Which is why that man, the sneaky fucker man, is considered evil in most societies. This is a man who has no skin in the game. An unloyal man. Gnon had it so that healthy societies did not allow that kind of behavior. That’s why we got fornication laws. Regulation of sexual behavior. Monogamy was one way to solve it, but not the only one. But as Gnon had it having sex with a woman who was not your legal wife or a prostitute was a punishable crime.

The Romans messed with all of that. They allowed women to not be obedient to their husbands. This destroyed the incentive for many men to stick to their wives. This destroyed their incentive to defend their country. Soon enough no Roman was willing to do so. What happens when the men of a country are not willing to defend it? Somebody attacks you; and they win. The inevitability of patriarchy. That is evolution. Gnon’s will.

Man derives self-preservation not from having a family but merely from awareness his own existence and mortality. Not having a family doesn’t mean you don’t have skin in the game…A business owner who doesn’t have children can still be loyal to his country, for without his country, his business would not exist. This could explain recent antipathy towards multinational corporations and ‘globalists’, because neither have any definitive nationalistic ‘anchoring’ or allegiance.

Some will defend their family against a definite, obvious threat, such a burglar. This is the ‘fight or flight’ response, rooted in the amygdala, in which some men choose to ‘fight’. But does this apply for far-out, distant threats such as foreign armies? Harder to know, or a least not universally such as obvious and immediate threats. Many people think global warming is real, but there is a lot of complacency relative to the potential loss of life and destruction should it prove real. The tendency to discount long-dated problems is called hyperbolic discounting, which is related to high time preference.