Imagine if like a video game you have to choose between some combination of allocation of the following attributes/abilities, but you cannot max out all of them: 1. power 2. influence/reach 3. wealth 4. social status Power is the ability to make large, important decisions which can potentially affect a lot of people and or… Continue reading Why Influence/Reach is Better than Power, Wealth, or Social Status
Category: Uncategorized
The increasing concentration of culture
From Richard Hanania, On the Death of a Common American Culture. The subtitle is “the meaning of cultural fragmentation and political centralization,” but I think it’s the opposite: power has become more fragmented and culture more centralized into hubs, franchises, and brands. His overarching point seems wrong. I don’t see the fragmentation he is talking… Continue reading The increasing concentration of culture
The characteristics or traits of top performers (and why you’re screwed)
A lot has been written about the characteristics or traits of top performers. What makes them different? It would seem like they are cut from an entirely different cloth compared to everyone else. It’s like magic what they are capable of doing. some characteristics: 1. They do not necessarily work harder, but work smarter. They… Continue reading The characteristics or traits of top performers (and why you’re screwed)
Cancellation fail
Looks like I was right again. Richard Hanania survived his attempted cancellation with flying colors, as I predicted. Not only was his book not cancelled, but pre-order sales have surged. ‘Cancel culture’ arguably peaked in 2010-2017 or so. The left’ ability to cancel has been significantly diminished since the mid 2010s due to a combination… Continue reading Cancellation fail
Psychology does have a bullshit problem, but STEM is not immune either
I saw this going viral I’m so sorry for psychology’s loss, whatever it is Psychology is unloved, and deservedly so. It’s hard to find anyone, psychologists included, who can vigorously or unconditionally defend the field. I think even psychologists acknowledge that there are too many flimsy, weak, or underpowered studies, or unsupported generalizations about the… Continue reading Psychology does have a bullshit problem, but STEM is not immune either
Another prefect trade and forecast
The crypto crash continues like I said two days ago would happen. Having added to my short positions in the $27800-27700 range, I’m already up a lot, as the price is at $26,100 and keeps falling [Update: With $26k having broke, I closed my second short at $26k today, which I initiated two days ago… Continue reading Another prefect trade and forecast
2024 update: Trump and Ramaswarmy
Trump has been indicted for what is the 4th time this year, if anyone is still keeping count. At this point even the liberal media is losing interest, having ‘Trump indictment fatigue’. It’s like, ‘either put the guy behind bars or who cares.’ Only someone like Trump can be charged so many times, yet his… Continue reading 2024 update: Trump and Ramaswarmy
BTC getting ready to dump again, ETF approval still a longshot
Today there was an attempt of a recovery on ETF approval news: Grayscale’s Court Win Over SEC Lifts Hopes for Bitcoin ETF Approval. A lot of people misinterpreted this to mean an ETF would be approved. Noooope. It doesn’t really change anything. Rejection is still on the table. This article from Reuters sums up the… Continue reading BTC getting ready to dump again, ETF approval still a longshot
Compact Magazine vs ‘the Eugenicons’
It is too bad to see Compact Magazine, which originally intellectually positioned itself as an alternative to the mainstream, succumb mainstream labels such as ‘racism’ or ‘eugenics’ as substitutes for the debate of ideas . A recent article Against the Eugenicons, by Michael Lind, comes off as virtue signaling and a character attack against someone… Continue reading Compact Magazine vs ‘the Eugenicons’
BRICs has always been a joke
The hype over BRICs has always been stupid and does not threaten the US dollar or US economy hegemony or deserve as much hype as it has gotten. According to wiki: BRICs is a grouping of the world economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa formed by the 2010 addition of South Africa… Continue reading BRICs has always been a joke