What does Nicholas Nassim Taleb and Paul Krugman have in common? A tendency to make a lot of wrong predictions and not own up to them. Second, a tendency to sanctimoniously blame certain people like the 1%, bankers, high frequency traders, congress, Wall St., the fed, and economists for societies problems. But mostly bad… Continue reading Nicholas Nassim Taleb Wrong Again, Loses Temper
Category: Uncategorized
How Not to Predict Crisis
According to the left, financial crisis is always immanent and everything is a bubble. Liberals like Peter Schiff and Nicolas Nassim Taleb have argued that the financial system is more prone to collapse than before 2008, even though they have been repeating this line for the past five years to no avail. Instead of being… Continue reading How Not to Predict Crisis
Crimea Much Ado About Nothing
Crimea is still in the news. So far only a single death. Baby strollers are more deadly than Putin. The left is so anxious for things to get worse so that the stock market falls that they are front-running events that have not even happened yet, or so show no signs of happening. Like the… Continue reading Crimea Much Ado About Nothing
Henry Blodget Wrong Again
It’s the weekend and that means another ‘time to spread the wealth’ diatribe from Business Insider click baiter in chief and disgraced analyst, Henry Blodget: Business Insider More: America Inequality Sorry, But There’s No ‘Law Of Capitalism’ That You Have To Pay Employees As Little As Possible One reason the U.S. economy is still weak… Continue reading Henry Blodget Wrong Again
Small Business Still For Suckers
No shit, Sherlock: United States’ new business formation rate continues dropping steadily More and more people are waking up to reality that small business is for suckers and that there are far easier ways to make money such as real estate, a traditional job, or buying and holding stocks. We wrote about this as far… Continue reading Small Business Still For Suckers
Bay Area Home Prices Keep Going Up
Case-Shiller index finds San Francisco home prices jump 23 percent from year ago San Francisco home prices enjoyed an annual gain of 23.1 percent, second only to Las Vegas’ 24.9 percent rise, according to S&P/Case-Shiller home-price indexes released Tuesday. The composite 20-city home-price index was up 13.2 percent in January from a year earlier, with… Continue reading Bay Area Home Prices Keep Going Up
It Pays to Be Smart
From The Atlantic; A new study finds that nine of the 10 most lucrative degrees in America are in computer science programs at elite colleges. And no degree in America is more valuable than a computer-science major at Stanford, Columbia, or Berkeley. Notably, the most valuable non-computer-science major in the country is also at Stanford:… Continue reading It Pays to Be Smart
Wealth Inequality is Here to Stay But Won’t Lead to Crisis
Unlike most new releases, there is a considerable hype surrounding Thomas Piketty’s, new book Capital in the Twenty-First Century. Because the empirical evidence doesn’t lend itself to the Marxist’s capitalism being self-limiting prophecy, Piketty’s conclusion is the most likely outcome: growing inequality is permanent. We argue that inequality is optimal to economic growth, or a… Continue reading Wealth Inequality is Here to Stay But Won’t Lead to Crisis
Is partisanship holding back good policy in the abortion debate?
IN 2001, Steven Levitt of the University of Chicago proposed an explanation for why the crime in the U.S. declined so dramatically since the 1990s. Understandably, the kneejerk reaction of the left overshadowed the merits of the study. Unfortunately, the right’s fixation on ‘pro life’ is preventing potentially good policy. The category of abortions for… Continue reading Is partisanship holding back good policy in the abortion debate?
In Praise of Low Wages
The boom of the freelancer economy, temp economy, and service sector is part of a growing trend where people are being paid for the value they truly create, instead of the inflated wages of the pre-2008 economy. This helps restore the equilibrium between labor and capital, which until recently was too skewed in favor of… Continue reading In Praise of Low Wages